MOBMonster (Everquest slang)
MOBMobile (gaming)
MOBMobile Phone
MOBMother of the Bride
MOBManagement of Business (Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination)
MOBMaison Ossature Bois (French: Wood Frame House)
MOBMedical Office Building
MOBMember of the Board
MOBMission of Burma (band)
MOBMake or Break
MOBMacedonian Opera and Ballet
MOBMail Order Bride
MOBMen of Business (music group)
MOBMorbidly Obese
MOBMonths on Book (finance)
MOBMemorandum of Bailment
MOBMagyar Olimpiai Bizottság (Hungarian: Hungarian Olympic Comittee)
MOBMemory Order Buffer
MOBManaged Object Browser
MOBManaged Object Broker
MOBMedia Object
MOBMinistry of Burlesque (est. 2000)
MOBMan Over Board
MOBMedical Oncology Branch (National Cancer Institute)
MOBMarching Owl Band (Rice University, Houston, TX)
MOBMarks on Belt (Xerox)
MOBMobile Object
MOBMain Operating Base
MOBMonth of Birth
MOBMinority Owned Business
MOBMain Operations Base (US DoD)
MOBMother of the Baby
MOBMake or Buy
MOBMoney Over Bitches (Tupac Shakur)
MOBMind Own Business
MOBMinnesota Organization of Bloggers
MOBMovable Object Block (computer graphics)
MOBMothers Opposing Bush
MOBMiserable Old Bugger (UK)
MOBMeals on Board (travel industry)
MOBMaintenance of Benefits
MOBMobile Operating Business
MOBMission on Blast Clothing (est. 2003)
MOBMember of Bloods (gang)
MOBMail-Order Buyer
MOBMobile, AL, USA - Mobile Municipal (Airport Code)
MOBMunicipals Over Bonds (Index)
MOBMaintenance of Business
MOBMiddle of Book (aka the well; magazine publishing)
MOBMonster or Beast (gaming, MMORPG)
MOBMotor Outbound (oil and gas industry)
MOBMissile Order of Battle
MOBMean Old Bastards (gaming clan)
MOBMethod of Build
MOBManagement Oversight Board
MOBMonster Owners Belgium
MOBMouvement pour l'Organisation de la Bretagne (French: Movement for the Organization of Britain; est. 1957)
MOBMoose on Bikes (Motorcycle Club)
MOBMobile Off-shore Base
MOBMighty Owl Band (Garland HS, Texas)
MOBMaryland Old Boys (Rugby Union Football Club, Maryland)
MOBMaritime Order of Battle
MOBMain Office Box (US Postal Service)
MOBMain Optical Bench
MOBMint Out of Box
MOBMartin, Ockerman & Brabant (law firm)
MOBManagement Operation Bridge
MOBMoney Order Branch (various nations)
MOBMultimedia Outlet Box
MOBMiscellaneous Objectives Bureau (Fiction, James Bond)