Acronym | Definition |
MES | 2-(N-Morpholino)ethanesulfonic Acid |
MES | Manufacturing Execution Systems |
MES | Metabolic Syndrome |
MES | Mis En Scene (film terminology) |
MES | Mechanical Engineering Services (various locations) |
MES | Management and Engineering Services |
MES | Ministry of Emergency Situations (various locations) |
MES | Medical Equipment Service (various locations) |
MES | Monitoring and Evaluation System |
MES | Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding (Japan) |
MES | Managed Ethernet Switch |
MES | Ministère de l'Emploi et de la Solidarité (French: Department of Employment and Solidarity; various locations) |
MES | Matières En Suspension (French) |
MES | Middle East Section (various organizations) |
MES | Medical Equipment Services (various locations) |
MES | Musical Ear Syndrome (auditory hallucinations) |
MES | Mclaren Electronic System |
MES | Mobile Education System |
MES | Macromedia Enterprise Server |
MES | Mobile Enterprise Server |
MES | Mcat Enabled Server |
MES | Management Elements |
MES | Managed Ethernet Service |
MES | Mobile Enterprise Suite |
MES | Manufacturing Execution System |
MES | Miscellaneous Equipment Specification |
MES | Message System |
MES | Microsoft Exchange Server |
MES | Mazda Europe Service |
MES | Micro Engineering Solutions |
MES | Manufacturing Extension Systems |
MES | Master in European Studies (various schools) |
MES | Mark E. Smith (UK musician) |
MES | Markets for Ecosystem Services (environmental approach) |
MES | Magnolia Elementary School (various locations) |
MES | Minimum Efficient Scale (economics) |
MES | McMaster Engineering Society (McMaster University; Hamilton, Ontario, Canada) |
MES | Multibeam Echo Sounder (oceanography) |
MES | Microsoft Enterprise Services (software) |
MES | Master of Environmental Studies (degree) |
MES | Main English Speaking (Australia) |
MES | Methanesulfonic Acid |
MES | Mobile Earth Station (INMARSAT) |
MES | Microembolic Signals (transcranial doppler monitoring) |
MES | Military Engineering Services |
MES | Marconi Electronic Systems |
MES | Muslim Educational Society |
MES | Maximal Electroshock Seizure (test) |
MES | Meeting and Event Services (various organizations) |
MES | Medical Ethics Society (various organizations) |
MES | Marine Evacuation System |
MES | Malheur Experiment Station (Oregon State University) |
MES | Medical Education Summit |
MES | Ministério do Equipamento Social (Portuguese Ministry for the Social Equipment) |
MES | Microsoft Exchange System |
MES | Medical Equipment Sets |
MES | Master of Environmental Science (degree) |
MES | Main Engine Start |
MES | Mobile End System |
MES | Manual Encoding Station (baggage) |
MES | McMaster Economics Society (McMaster University; Hamilton, Ontario, Canada) |
MES | Master Earth Station |
MES | Miniature Edison Screw (type of cap on electric bulb) |
MES | Media, Entertainment and Sports Club (various universities) |
MES | Medan, Indonesia - Polonia (Airport Code) |
MES | Money Ethic Scale |
MES | Museum of Earth Sciences (various locations) |
MES | Multimedia Emergency Session |
MES | Marketable Equity Securities |
MES | Metro Ethernet Services |
MES | Mississippi Engineering Society |
MES | Mechanical Engineering Solutions (various locations) |
MES | Malaysian Endodontic Society |
MES | Mesquite Elementary School (various locations) |
MES | Mitered End Section |
MES | Miscellaneous Equipment Specifications |
MES | Maintenance Engineering System |
MES | Mine Effects Simulator |
MES | Mossbauer Emission Spectroscopy |
MES | Minister for Environment and Science |
MES | Manawatu Evening Standard (New Zealand newspaper) |
MES | Magnetischer Eigenschutz (German; magnetic self-protection; degaussing device) |
MES | Medical Expense Statement |
MES | Measurement Evaluation System (semiconductors) |
MES | Minimum Efficient Firm Size |
MES | Medium-Energy Source |
MES | Mission Electronic System |
MES | Management Engineering Squadron |
MES | Maple Equipment Specialists |
MES | Microfilm Exposure System |
MES | Mechanical Event Simulator |
MES | Message Entry System |
MES | Missing Entire Statement (software fault) |
MES | Multilateral Education System |
MES | Military Essentiality Status |
MES | Mines Effects Simulation |
MES | Medium Errored Second (31-320 errors/second) |
MES | Motor End Support |
MES | Metro Edge Switch |