LISPList Processing (programming language)
LISPList Processing
LISPLotus Intranet Starter Package
LISPLots of Irritating Superfluous Parentheses :-)
LISPLeft in Scoring Position (baseball)
LISPLocator Identifier Separation Protocol (computer networking)
LISPLinked Investment Service Provider (financial administrator)
LISPLost in Stupid Parentheses :-)
LISPLots of Isolated Silly Parentheses :-)
LISPLots of Irritating Single Parentheses :-)
LISPLots of Infuriating & Silly Parentheses :-)
LISPLost In a Sea of Parentheses :-)
LISPLimited Instructions Set Processor
LISPLincoln Sparrow (bird species Melospiza lincolnii)
LISPLanguage of Insufferable Superfluous Parentheses :-)
LISPLots of Insipid, Stupid Parentheses