Acronym | Definition |
MAS | Multi Agent System |
MAS | Monetary Authority of Singapore |
MAS | Muslim American Society |
MAS | Manufacturing Advisory Service |
MAS | Master of Advanced Studies |
MAS | Multiple-Award Schedule (contract) |
MAS | Magic-Angle Spinning |
MAS | Mathematics and Statistics (various schools) |
MAS | Miami Ad School (various locations) |
MAS | Martial Arts School (various locations) |
MAS | Movimiento al Socialismo (Movement to Socialism; Argentina, Bolivia, Venezuela) |
MAS | Marker Assisted Selection |
MAS | Miniature Australian Shepherd (dog) |
MAS | Military Air System (Eastern Air Defense Sector) |
MAS | Masco Corporation (stock symbol) |
MAS | Chennai, India (Nugumbakkam Airport Code) |
MAS | Master Airscrew (model aircraft propeller) |
MAS | Microsoft Activesync |
MAS | Medical Aid Scheme (various locations) |
MAS | Management Accounting System |
MAS | Minutes after Sunset |
MAS | Milliarcsecond |
MAS | Management Accounting Software (various organizations) |
MAS | Multiagent System |
MAS | MODIS Airborne Simulator |
MAS | Meconium Aspiration Syndrome |
MAS | Master of Administrative Science (Fairleigh Dickinson University; New Jersey) |
MAS | Multiple Access System |
MAS | Microsoft anti Spyware |
MAS | Mobile Access Signaling |
MAS | Modular Authentication Service |
MAS | Main Store |
MAS | Multiple Address System |
MAS | Modeling Analysis and Simulation |
MAS | Managed Application System |
MAS | Middleware Administration Server |
MAS | Mathcad Application Server |
MAS | Malaysian Airlines System (ICAO code) |
MAS | Mexican American Studies |
MAS | McCune-Albright Syndrome |
MAS | Mass Air Sensor (automotive) |
MAS | Medical Assurance Society (various locations) |
MAS | Multi Asset Strategy |
MAS | Media Arts and Sciences (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) |
MAS | Metro Animal Services (various locations) |
MAS | Motor Assessment Scale (clinical evaluation method) |
MAS | Mutual Admiration Society |
MAS | Monthly Auto Ship (customer program) |
MAS | Maneuver Ammunition Systems (US DoD) |
MAS | Media Asset Management |
MAS | Muerte A Secuestradores (paramilitary death squad) |
MAS | Metropolitan Ambulance Service (Melbourne, Australia) |
MAS | Massachusetts Audubon Society |
MAS | Management Advisory Service |
MAS | Mandibular Advancement Splint |
MAS | Mongolian Academy of Sciences |
MAS | Military Aid Society |
MAS | Money Advice Scotland (UK) |
MAS | Miller Anderson & Sherrerd (Bala Cynwyd, PA) |
MAS | Master Advertising Specialist |
MAS | Military Air Solutions (now Military Air & Information; UK) |
MAS | Mindless Accept Syndrome |
MAS | Military Airlift Squadron |
MAS | Make A Star (website) |
MAS | Make A Star (gaming, Katamari Damacy) |
MAS | Massachusetts Academy of Science |
MAS | Modern Apprenticeship Scheme |
MAS | Mozilla Application Suite |
MAS | Mixed Amphetamine Salt |
MAS | Managed Access System (prison technology) |
MAS | Mapping Activity Statement (US FEMA) |
MAS | Millimeter-wave Atmospheric Sounder |
MAS | Make-A-Store, Inc. |
MAS | Milliampere Second (quantifies an X-ray beam) |
MAS | Memento Audere Semper (Latin: remember to dare always) |
MAS | Military Agency for Standardization |
MAS | Managed Accounts Service (various companies) |
MAS | Minnesota Academic Standards |
MAS | Microarray Analysis Suite (bioinformatics software) |
MAS | Master of Aeronautical Science (degree) |
MAS | Mass Attenuation Coefficient |
MAS | Marine Advisory Service (Sea Grant Program) |
MAS | Method of Auxiliary Sources |
MAS | Missouri Academy of Science |
MAS | Movimiento de Acción Solidaria (Guatema) |
MAS | Maryland Adolescent Survey (Maryland State Department of Education) |
MAS | Managed Authentication Service |
MAS | Maritime Assistance Service (International Maritime Organization) |
MAS | Morenci Area Schools (Michigan) |
MAS | Milwaukee Astronomical Society |
MAS | Motoscafo Anti Sommergibile (Italian navy WWI and WWII) |
MAS | Musée Automobile de la Sarthe (French: Automobile Museum of Sarthe; Sarthe, France) |
MAS | Message Application Server (Avaya) |
MAS | Mercosur Administrative Secretariat (trade) |
MAS | Motivational Assessment Scale |
MAS | Multi-Access Spool (IBM Mainframe) |
MAS | Michigan Archaeological Society |
MAS | Military Aftermarket Services |
MAS | Ministry of Altar Servers (Catholicism) |
MAS | Memory Administration System |
MAS | Mandolin Acquisition Syndrome |
MAS | Memorial Affairs Squadron |
MAS | Map Accuracy Standard |
MAS | Mass Announcement System |
MAS | Minimum Acceptable Strength |
MAS | Mission Aircrew School |
MAS | Maritime Air Superiority |
MAS | Mecklenburg Audubon Society (North Carolina) |
MAS | Military Assistance Sales |
MAS | Modern Art Studio (band) |
MAS | Market Analysis Service |
MAS | Myanmar Agricultural Service |
MAS | Maneuver Air Support |
MAS | Motivated Abilities and Skills (UK) |
MAS | Multifaith Action Society (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada) |
MAS | Montana Archaeological Society |
MAS | Marketing Analysis System |
MAS | Malta Aviation Society |
MAS | Mutuelle d'Action Sociale (French: Mutual Social Action; Morocco) |
MAS | Modular Alarm System |
MAS | Museum Association of Saskatchewan (Regina, SK, Canada) |
MAS | Marine Assistance Service |
MAS | Master of Architectural Studies |
MAS | Management Assistance Service |
MAS | Multi-Service Access System |
MAS | Modified Alsever Solution |
MAS | Matrix Algebraic Separation (algorithm) |
MAS | Mission d'Amenagement du Delta du Fleuve Senegal |
MAS | Menu Activated Switch |
MAS | Master Assembly Schedule |
MAS | Man-Day Accounting System |
MAS | Management and Administrative Staff Association (Cleveland State University; Ohio) |
MAS | Mobile Atmospheric Spectrometer |
MAS | Mainland Air Services (New Zealand) |
MAS | Maintenance Action Sheet |
MAS | Manitoba Affidavit of Support (Canada) |
MAS | Multiple Address Spectrum (FCC) |
MAS | Mutant Analysis Service |
MAS | Maximum Assignable Slots |
MAS | Mission Area Summary |
MAS | Maximum Amount Subject (insurance/underwriting) |
MAS | Mechanical Actuation System |
MAS | Multiple Absorbing Surfaces |
MAS | Ma’lomat wa Abhath Seyahiyah (Arabic: National Centre for Tourism Information and Research; Saudi Arabia) |
MAS | Module Attach System |
MAS | Maximal Allowed Shareability |
MAS | Marianas Audubon Society |
MAS | Military Application Seminar |
MAS | Mildly Amused Smirk |
MAS | Management Analysis Summary |
MAS | Magic ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) Studio (software) |