Acronym | Definition |
LT | Lieutenant |
LT | Luxury Touring (automotive model/feature) |
LT | Link Text (message boards) |
LT | Light |
LT | Left |
LT | Laptop |
LT | Lot |
LT | Laut (German: according to) |
LT | Lesotho |
LT | Lake Tahoe (California/Nevada) |
LT | Long-Term |
LT | Long-Time |
LT | Less Than (computer math) |
LT | Leicester |
LT | Lithuania (ISO Country Identifier) |
LT | Less Than or equal to (computer math) |
LT | Logitech |
LT | Local Time |
LT | Low Temperature |
LT | Life Threatening |
LT | Light Truck |
LT | Leutnant (German: second lieutenant) |
LT | Lead Time |
LT | Left Turn (Hyper Logo Turtle graphics command) |
LT | Lunch Time |
LT | Look Through (Intelligent Jammers) |
LT | Landing Team |
LT | Latching |
LT | Leadership Team |
LT | Linear Technology |
LT | Looney Tunes |
LT | Light Trucks |
LT | Lote (Portuguese: lot; postal usage) |
LT | Landtag (Legislative Body, Austria, Europe) |
LT | Left Tackle (football) |
LT | Light Tank |
LT | Long Trail |
LT | London Transport |
LT | Letter of Transmittal |
LT | Line Type (AutoCAD) |
LT | Leukotriene |
LT | Length of Track |
LT | Long Ton |
LT | Light Traffic |
LT | Live Training |
LT | Laplace Transform (mathematics) |
LT | Linear Transformation (linear algebra) |
LT | Lawrence Taylor (football player) |
LT | Lazytown (TV series) |
LT | L-Tryptophan (amino acid) |
LT | Learning Technologies (various organizations) |
LT | Las Trampas (California) |
LT | Low Testosterone |
LT | Lake Terminal Railroad Company |
LT | Lecture Theatre |
LT | Linus Torvalds (developer/author of the Linux Kernel) |
LT | Level Transmitter |
LT | Leak Testing |
LT | Lucent Technologies |
LT | Low Tension |
LT | Long Tour |
LT | Long Text |
LT | Latest Thinking |
LT | Line Terminal |
LT | Last Trade (or trading day) |
LT | Lady of the Thistle |
LT | Limited Term |
LT | Lead Technician |
LT | Latent Trait |
LT | Lower Tray |
LT | Lindsay Taylor (basketball) |
LT | Lakeland Terrier |
LT | Logical Topology |
LT | Live Trend |
LT | Ladanian Tomlinson (football player) |
LT | Laundry Tray |
LT | Liquid Thinking (web integration, design and consulting company) |
LT | Logic Theory |
LT | Limited Too (store) |
LT | Lashkar-e-Tayyiba (Kashmiri-focused militant group) |
LT | Long Transverse (raw metal piece width) |
LT | Lung Transplantation |
LT | Large Tug (US Army) |
LT | Liner Terms (shipping) |
LT | Leadership Trainer |
LT | Lost Temple (gaming) |
LT | Latina, Lazio (Italian province) |
LT | Lodge Treasurer (Order of the Arrow, Boy Scouts of America) |
LT | LaGrande Technology (Intel) |
LT | Lorentz Transformation |
LT | Lorien Trust |
LT | Lifetap (MMORPG games) |
LT | Last Telecast |
LT | LiteFuze Transformer |
LT | Los Alamos Technical Associates |
LT | Lufttransport AS (Norway) |
LT | Lactate Threshhold |
LT | Long-Range Transmitter |
LT | Lockout/Tagout Training |
LT | Laser Trooper (Star Kingdoms game) |
LT | Loudest Talker (voice conferencing algorithm) |
LT | Linetroll (Fault Passage Indicator; Nortroll AS, Norway) |
LT | LON-Talk Protocol |
LT | Turn Left After Takeoff |
LT | Lubrication Threads (SAE) |
LT | Lamar Transform |