Acronym | Definition |
LTA | Land Transport Authority |
LTA | Land Trust Alliance |
LTA | Lawn Tennis Association |
LTA | Love to All |
LTA | Loch-Tool-Application |
LTA | Letter to America (podcast) |
LTA | Less than Average |
LTA | Local Tourism Association |
LTA | Lighter-Than-Air |
LTA | Lipoteichoic Acid |
LTA | Log and Trace Analyzer |
LTA | Landesk Trusted Access |
LTA | Long Term Analysis |
LTA | Lieutenant (Singapore military) |
LTA | Long Term Arrangement (various organizations) |
LTA | Long Term Archiving |
LTA | Lifetime Achievement (Award) |
LTA | La Tenes Adentro (Spanish: The Inside Tenes) |
LTA | Long Term Agreement |
LTA | Lifetime allowance |
LTA | Lost Time Accident |
LTA | Long Term Average |
LTA | Library Technical Assistant |
LTA | Lymphotoxin-Alpha |
LTA | Long Time Agreement |
LTA | Light Transport Aircraft (National Aerospace Laboratories; India) |
LTA | Lambda Theta Alpha (sorority) |
LTA | Long-Term Abuse (Wikipedia) |
LTA | Long Term Agricultural (zoning) |
LTA | Lead Technical Analyst |
LTA | Line Throwing Apparatus (life-saving equipment; various companies) |
LTA | Lettre de Transport Aérien (French: Airway Bill; transport industry) |
LTA | Lottery Tuition Assistance (South Carolina) |
LTA | Lender’s Technical Advisor (various companies) |
LTA | Licensed Travel Agency (various locations) |
LTA | Less Than Adequate |
LTA | Local Training Area |
LTA | Lesotho Telecommunications Authority (now Lesotho Communications Authority) |
LTA | Licensed Title Agent (real estate) |
LTA | Lower Torso Assembly (space suit) |
LTA | Leave Travel Allowance |
LTA | Leukotriene Antagonist (drug) |
LTA | Logistics Transformation Agency |
LTA | Literacy through Art (various locations) |
LTA | Life Threatening Allergy |
LTA | Last Time Around |
LTA | Long Term Assignment |
LTA | Local Taxpayer Advocate (US IRS) |
LTA | Lead Test Assembly |
LTA | Little Tunny (FAO fish species code) |
LTA | Limited Term Appointment (university faculty) |
LTA | Learning Through Action (UK) |
LTA | Lost Ticket Application (aviation financial term) |
LTA | Lake Town Affiliates |
LTA | Local Thermal Analysis |
LTA | Local Training Authority (Navy/CNET) |
LTA | Learning Through Action (UK charity) |
LTA | Local Traffic Authorities (UK Highways Agency) |
LTA | Like Totally Awesome |
LTA | Limited Technical Assessment |
LTA | Life Threatening Arrhythmia |
LTA | Louisiana Telecommunications Association |
LTA | LEM Test Article |
LTA | Least Interference-Below-Threshold Algorithm |
LTA | Lead Trial Attorney |
LTA | Lackland Training Area |
LTA | Link-Traffic Analysis |
LTA | Local Target Area |
LTA | Landbased Technician Accreditation |
LTA | Low Threat Area |
LTA | Learning and Teaching Assistant (UK) |
LTA | Load-Transfer-Acknowledgment Signal (ITU-T) |
LTA | Liberty City Transport Authority (gaming, Grand Theft Auto IV) |
LTA | Local Trace Assertion |
LTA | Lumenare Test Automation |
LTA | Lifetime Alignment (automotive service) |
LTA | Low Temperature Aftercooler (engine cooling system) |
LTA | Long Thin-Line Array |
LTA | Laryngeal Tract Anaesthesia |