LTALand Transport Authority
LTALand Trust Alliance
LTALawn Tennis Association
LTALove to All
LTALetter to America (podcast)
LTALess than Average
LTALocal Tourism Association
LTALipoteichoic Acid
LTALog and Trace Analyzer
LTALandesk Trusted Access
LTALong Term Analysis
LTALieutenant (Singapore military)
LTALong Term Arrangement (various organizations)
LTALong Term Archiving
LTALifetime Achievement (Award)
LTALa Tenes Adentro (Spanish: The Inside Tenes)
LTALong Term Agreement
LTALifetime allowance
LTALost Time Accident
LTALong Term Average
LTALibrary Technical Assistant
LTALong Time Agreement
LTALight Transport Aircraft (National Aerospace Laboratories; India)
LTALambda Theta Alpha (sorority)
LTALong-Term Abuse (Wikipedia)
LTALong Term Agricultural (zoning)
LTALead Technical Analyst
LTALine Throwing Apparatus (life-saving equipment; various companies)
LTALettre de Transport Aérien (French: Airway Bill; transport industry)
LTALottery Tuition Assistance (South Carolina)
LTALender’s Technical Advisor (various companies)
LTALicensed Travel Agency (various locations)
LTALess Than Adequate
LTALocal Training Area
LTALesotho Telecommunications Authority (now Lesotho Communications Authority)
LTALicensed Title Agent (real estate)
LTALower Torso Assembly (space suit)
LTALeave Travel Allowance
LTALeukotriene Antagonist (drug)
LTALogistics Transformation Agency
LTALiteracy through Art (various locations)
LTALife Threatening Allergy
LTALast Time Around
LTALong Term Assignment
LTALocal Taxpayer Advocate (US IRS)
LTALead Test Assembly
LTALittle Tunny (FAO fish species code)
LTALimited Term Appointment (university faculty)
LTALearning Through Action (UK)
LTALost Ticket Application (aviation financial term)
LTALake Town Affiliates
LTALocal Thermal Analysis
LTALocal Training Authority (Navy/CNET)
LTALearning Through Action (UK charity)
LTALocal Traffic Authorities (UK Highways Agency)
LTALike Totally Awesome
LTALimited Technical Assessment
LTALife Threatening Arrhythmia
LTALouisiana Telecommunications Association
LTALEM Test Article
LTALeast Interference-Below-Threshold Algorithm
LTALead Trial Attorney
LTALackland Training Area
LTALink-Traffic Analysis
LTALocal Target Area
LTALandbased Technician Accreditation
LTALow Threat Area
LTALearning and Teaching Assistant (UK)
LTALoad-Transfer-Acknowledgment Signal (ITU-T)
LTALiberty City Transport Authority (gaming, Grand Theft Auto IV)
LTALocal Trace Assertion
LTALumenare Test Automation
LTALifetime Alignment (automotive service)
LTALow Temperature Aftercooler (engine cooling system)
LTALong Thin-Line Array
LTALaryngeal Tract Anaesthesia