Acronym | Definition |
LAP | Like a Pro (gaming clan) |
LAP | Learning Assistance Program (special education) |
LAP | La Plata (Amtrak station code; La Plata, MO) |
LAP | Loan against Property |
LAP | Liberal Arts Program (various schools) |
LAP | Laboratory Accreditation Program |
LAP | Latin America Program |
LAP | Land Administration Project (World Bank) |
LAP | Life among People (band) |
LAP | Last Agent Pending |
LAP | Lan Access Profile |
LAP | Lan Access Point |
LAP | Leadless Array Package |
LAP | Leukemia Associated Protein |
LAP | Link Access Protocol |
LAP | Language Assistance Plan (various organizations) |
LAP | Link Access Procedure |
LAP | Lima Airport Partners (Peru; est. 2001) |
LAP | Laser Applications (radiation therapy laser vendor) |
LAP | Lightweight Access Point (Cisco) |
LAP | Land Acquisition Plan (various locations) |
LAP | Leukocyte Alkaline Phosphatase |
LAP | London & Associated Properties (UK) |
LAP | Left Atrial Pressure |
LAP | Local Action Plan (various organizations) |
LAP | Laboratory Approval Program (various organizations) |
LAP | Liberty Alliance Project |
LAP | LEED Accredited Professional (United States Green Building Council) |
LAP | Library Automation Project (various organizations) |
LAP | Liberian Action Party (Liberia) |
LAP | Local Air Pollution |
LAP | Logistics Assistance Program |
LAP | Loyalty Advantage Program (various organizations) |
LAP | Lohamah Psichlogit (Hebrew: psychological warfare, Mossad department) |
LAP | Lagardère Active Publicité (France) |
LAP | Liver Activator Protein |
LAP | Load, Assemble & Pack |
LAP | Large Area Processing |
LAP | Lesson Administration Page (various organizations) |
LAP | La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico - Aeropuerto General Marquez De Leon (Airport Code) |
LAP | Language for Academic Purposes |
LAP | Library Association of Portland |
LAP | Laryngeal Adductor Paralysis |
LAP | Letter of Adoption and Procurement (military) |
LAP | Lesbian and Proud |
LAP | Lipopolysaccharide-Associated Protein |
LAP | Louisiana Association of Principals |
LAP | Local Authentication Plugin (Microsoft Windows CE) |
LAP | Lifetime Annuity Payout |
LAP | Laboratory Analytical Protocol |
LAP | Local Access Port (frame relay) |
LAP | Launcher Avionics Package |
LAP | Low Altitude Performance |
LAP | Laboratorio Accreditato de Prova (Accredited Testing Lab, Italy) |
LAP | Local Analysis Point |
LAP | Launch Assembly Plan |
LAP | LIDAR Atmospheric Profiler |
LAP | Location Audit Program |
LAP | Local Average Power |
LAP | Local Administrator Processor (Cisco) |
LAP | Laboratory Associates Program |
LAP | Light Armor Platoon |
LAP | Lyophilized Anterior Pituitary (tissue) |
LAP | Localised Area for Play (playground design) |