LAPPLaboratoire d'Annecy-le-Vieux de Physique des Particules (French nuclear and particle physics laboratory)
LAPPLocal Approved Products Policy (New Zealand)
LAPPLimited Access Privilege Program (fishing)
LAPPLender Appraisal Processing Program (US VA loans)
LAPPLondon Association of Primal Psychotherapists (UK)
LAPPLos Alamos Portable Pulser
LAPPLos Alamos Polycrystal Plasticity
LAPPLegal Advocates for Permanent Parenting, Inc.
LAPPLogarithm of a Posteriori Probability
LAPPLinux, Apache, PostgreSQL, PHP/Python/Perl
LAPPLinux Apache PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) PostgreSQL (Structured Query Language)