LERLesão por Esforço Repetitivo (Portuguese: Repetitive Strain Injury)
LERLabel Edge Router
LERLong Eye Relief (optics)
LERLaw Enforcement Ranger
LERLebensgestaltung Ethik Religionskunde (German: Design life of Ethics Religious Studies)
LERLink Error Rate
LERLeast Error Rate
LERLevel Error Rate
LERLine Edge Roughness (semiconductor fabrication)
LERLand Equivalent Ratio
LERLuminaire Efficiency Rating (lighting)
LERLuminaire Efficacy Rating
LERLight Emitting Resistor (a resistor burning up)
LERLicensee Event Report
LERLeaf Elongation Rate (botany)
LERLicensing Economics Review (newsletter)
LERLabyrinth Excluder Ring (engineering)
LERLauncher Equipment Room
LERLoss Exchange Ratio
LERLocal Equipment Room
LERLuminous Electronics Recycling, Inc (Denver, CO)
LERLanguage Equivalence Relations
LERLocal Electrical Room
LERLaboratoire d'Etude de Radiopharmaceutiques (French)
LERLand, Easement, and Right of Way
LERLANSCE/Energy Research Program
LERLaboratorium voor Ecologische Risicobeoordeling
LERLepidoptera of Eretna State