Acronym | Definition |
LER | Lesão por Esforço Repetitivo (Portuguese: Repetitive Strain Injury) |
LER | Label Edge Router |
LER | Long Eye Relief (optics) |
LER | Law Enforcement Ranger |
LER | Lebensgestaltung Ethik Religionskunde (German: Design life of Ethics Religious Studies) |
LER | Link Error Rate |
LER | Least Error Rate |
LER | Level Error Rate |
LER | Line Edge Roughness (semiconductor fabrication) |
LER | Land Equivalent Ratio |
LER | Luminaire Efficiency Rating (lighting) |
LER | Luminaire Efficacy Rating |
LER | Light Emitting Resistor (a resistor burning up) |
LER | Licensee Event Report |
LER | Leaf Elongation Rate (botany) |
LER | Licensing Economics Review (newsletter) |
LER | Labyrinth Excluder Ring (engineering) |
LER | Launcher Equipment Room |
LER | Loss Exchange Ratio |
LER | Local Equipment Room |
LER | Luminous Electronics Recycling, Inc (Denver, CO) |
LER | Language Equivalence Relations |
LER | Local Electrical Room |
LER | Laboratoire d'Etude de Radiopharmaceutiques (French) |
LER | Land, Easement, and Right of Way |
LER | LANSCE/Energy Research Program |
LER | Laboratorium voor Ecologische Risicobeoordeling |
LER | Lepidoptera of Eretna State |