Acronym | Definition |
ATSP | Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem |
ATSP | Association of Telemedicine Service Providers |
ATSP | American Tree Sparrow |
ATSP | Air Traffic Service Provider (FAA term for all disciplines of air traffic controllers) |
ATSP | Advanced Technology Support Program (precompeted umbrella contracting vehicle) |
ATSP | Automated Temperature Selection Procedure (rivers; California) |
ATSP | Airport Tenant Security Program (various companies) |
ATSP | ADTRAN Technical Support Professional |
ATSP | Associazione Treni Storici Puglia (Association of Historical Trains in Puglia; Taranto, Italy) |
ATSP | Asked to See Patient |
ATSP | Academic Technology Support Personnel |
ATSP | Advanced Tactical Supervisor's Panel |
ATSP | Association pour la Promotion des Soins Palliatifs (French: Association for Promotion of Palliative Care) |
ATSP | Agreed To Strategy & Plan (insurance providers and litigators) |
ATSP | Applications Telecommunications Service Provider (IPX) |
ATSP | All Things Steve Perry (fan forum) |