LAWLove and Wisdom (band)
LAWLeague of American Writers (est. 1935)
LAWLive Audio Wrestling
LAWLadies against Women
LAWLeague of American Wheelmen
LAWLanding Weight (aviation)
LAWLaser Artillery Weapon (toy)
LAWLow Activity Waste
LAWLawyers Against the War (Canadian legal foundation)
LAWLawyer At Work
LAWLocal Area Wireless
LAWLeeds Animation Workshop
LAWLanguage Arts and Writing (course)
LAWLocal Air Warning
LAWLow Altitude Warning
LAWLand Attack Warfare (US Navy)
LAWLight Assault Weapon
LAWLocal Authority Workstation
LAWLastabehangige Automatische Wegesuche (German: Automatic last choice routing)
LAWLawton, OK, USA - Municipal (Airport Code)
LAWLogic Analysis Workstation
LAWLow Acid Waste
LAWLubricant, Arctic Weather
LAWLight Antitank/Antiarmor Weapon