Acronym | Definition |
LOD | Lord of Destruction (Diablo 2 game expansion) |
LOD | Limit of Detection |
LOD | Legacy of Darkness (game) |
LOD | Lodi (Amtrak station code; Lodi, CA) |
LOD | Level of Detail |
LOD | Level of Development |
LOD | Legion Of Doom |
LOD | Line of Duty |
LOD | Legend of Drizzt (gaming) |
LOD | Legend of Dragoon (Sony role playing game) |
LOD | Look of Disapproval |
LOD | List of Documents (various organizations) |
LOD | Line of Defense |
LOD | Logarithm of Odds (genetic linkage analysis) |
LOD | Live on Demand |
LOD | Link of the Day |
LOD | Life of Desiigner (album) |
LOD | Life or Death |
LOD | Line of Departure |
LOD | Living Organ Donor |
LOD | Low Oxalate Diet |
LOD | Limit of Disturbance |
LOD | Luck of the Draw |
LOD | Lift Off Distance (computer mouse) |
LOD | Length on Deck |
LOD | Letter of Direction |
LOD | Lines of Drift |
LOD | Load File |
LOD | Length of Day |
LOD | Live or Die (gaming clan) |
LOD | Letter of Deficiency (various locations) |
LOD | Lord of the Dragons (gaming) |
LOD | Lords of Destruction |
LOD | Line of Dance (counter-clockwise movement) |
LOD | Loss on Drying (water and volatile substances lost from a sample when dried) |
LOD | Loss-On-Drying |
LOD | Letter of Delegation |
LOD | League of Draven (gaming) |
LOD | Linked Open Data (Semantic Web) |
LOD | Level of Detection |
LOD | Learning on Demand (education and training) |
LOD | Loss Of Data |
LOD | Lords of Dogtown (movie) |
LOD | Letter of Destruction |
LOD | Lightning on Demand (Brisbane, CA) |
LOD | Lords of Darkness (gaming) |
LOD | Load on Demand |
LOD | Log of Odds (genetic linkage score) |
LOD | Lords of Death (gaming clan) |
LOD | Laparoscopic Ovarian Drilling |
LOD | Large Organic Debris |
LOD | Loks on Dope |
LOD | Liberty or Death |
LOD | Letter of Demand (of Payment) |
LOD | Laid-Off Dad |
LOD | Lines of Development |
LOD | Land of Devastation (BBS role-playing game) |
LOD | Low of Day (stock markets) |
LOD | Level of Dependence |
LOD | Leader-On-Duty (Target stores employee title) |
LOD | Ladies of Distinction |
LOD | lateral overflow drain |
LOD | Lethal Overdose (band) |
LOD | Last Order Date (sales) |
LOD | Launch on Demand |
LOD | Legion of the Damned (gaming group) |
LOD | Loss of Down (football) |
LOD | Lecture on Demand (academic curriculum) |
LOD | Lords of Discipline |
LOD | Life Over Death (band) |
LOD | Launch Operations Directorate |
LOD | Line of Demolition (construction) |
LOD | Line Out Dock |
LOD | Lëtzebuerger Online Dictionnaire |
LOD | Leadership and Organizational Development |
LOD | Legends of Darkness (gaming clan) |
LOD | Leading-One Detector |
LOD | Lease Outline Drawings |
LOD | List of Drawings |
LOD | Locally Optimum Detector |
LOD | Low Overhead Driver |
LOD | Look of Death |
LOD | Landlord Outline Drawing |
LOD | Last Opportunity Doctrine |
LOD | Lease Option Document |
LOD | Letter of Diagnosis |
LOD | Linear Optimal Distribution |
LOD | Live Off Disk (DVR buffer) |
LOD | Lease Outline Diagram |