Acronym | Definition |
LAD | Left Anterior Descending (anatomical location of coronary artery) |
LAD | Los Angeles Dodgers (baseball team) |
LAD | Live and Dangerous (album) |
LAD | Lauku Atbalsta Dienests (Latvian: Rural Support Service) |
LAD | Life After Death (gaming clan; music album) |
LAD | Loan Administration Department (various locations) |
LAD | Longhorn Array Database |
LAD | Log Annotation Device |
LAD | Language Acquisition Device (brain structure; Chomsky) |
LAD | Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency |
LAD | Logical Architecture Diagram |
LAD | Lymphadenopathy |
LAD | Least Absolute Deviation (estimation) |
LAD | Local Assistance Division (various locations) |
LAD | Left Axis Deviation (EKG) |
LAD | Light Aid Detachment |
LAD | Latest Arrival Date |
LAD | Low Activity Day |
LAD | Laboratoire Suisse d'Analyse du Dopage |
LAD | Leader Accreditation Department (La Leche League) |
LAD | Learning Aim Database (UK) |
LAD | Limited Authorization Drawing |
LAD | Legislative Audit Division (Montana) |
LAD | Luanda, Angola - Fevereiro (Airport Code) |
LAD | Latin America Division (Association of Rotational Molders) |
LAD | Logistics Anchor Desk |
LAD | Liquidated & Ascertained Damages |
LAD | Local Area Disk |
LAD | Linger And Die (gaming clan) |
LAD | Louisiana Association of the Deaf |
LAD | Linear Application Development |
LAD | License Application Design |
LAD | Lower Anterior Descending artery (graft) |
LAD | Linear Amplitude Distortion |
LAD | Liquid Agent Detector |
LAD | Long Alcoholic Drink (Ireland and UK) |
LAD | Light Armored Division |
LAD | Location Aid Device |
LAD | Launch Assist Device |
LAD | Laser Acquisition Device |
LAD | Local Attack Detection |
LAD | Logistics Automation Directorate |
LAD | Long Axis Diameter |
LAD | Landing Assist Device |
LAD | Logistics Assistance Directorate |
LAD | Launch Area Defense |
LAD | Labor Authorization Document |
LAD | Lyn Aerospace & Defense (Melbourne, FL) |
LAD | Launch Area(s) Denied (Ballistic Missile Defense System) |