OPALOrchestration and Provisioning Automation Library
OPALOptical Automatic Library
OPALOnline Presentation Access Library
OPALOptimized Portable Application Libraries
OPALOpen Process Adapter Library
OPALOregon Parallel Logic
OPALOpen Process Automation Library
OPALOpen Air Laboratories Network (nature initiative; UK)
OPALOpen Phone Abstraction Library
OPALOpen Process Automation Library (IBM)
OPALOpen Physics Abstraction Layer
OPALOutstanding Projects and Leaders (ASCE Award)
OPALOpen Pool Australian Light-Water (reactor)
OPALOnline Public Access in Libraries
OPALOnline Permit Assistance and Licensing (New York)
OPALOntario Protocol Assessment Level (oncology; Canada)
OPALOmni-Purpose Apparatus for LEP (experiment at the CERN physics laboratory)
OPALOffice of Pluralism and Leadership (Dartmouth College; Hanover, NH)
OPALOrchestration and Provisioning Automation Library (IBM)
OPALONGC (Oil and Natural Gas Corporation) Petro Additions Limited (India)
OPALOracle, PHP, Apache and Linux
OPALOrganized Parents Against Lead
OPALOfficer Promotion Authorization Listing
OPALOptical Program Algorithm
OPALOberlin Peace Activists League (Oberlin College; Ohio)
OPALOperation Progress and Alert
OPALOutfitting Publication Applicability List
OPALOptical Access Lines (Deutsche Telekom)
OPALOptimal Aging & Longevity (Houston, TX clinic)
OPALOptical Armament Link
OPALOptical Platform Alignment Linkage
OPALOptimized Applicative Language (computer programming)
OPALOption Action List
OPALObject Process Alignment