(redirected from Medical Outpatient Department)Acronym | Definition |
MOPD | Macular Pigment Optical Density (eyes) |
MOPD | Maximum Operating Pressure Differential (valves) |
MOPD | Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities |
MOPD | Maximum Overcurrent Protection Device (circuit breaker) |
MOPD | Medical Outpatient Department (various organizations) |
MOPD | Microcephalic Osteodysplastic Primordial Dwarfism |
MOPD | Majewski Osteodysplastic Primordial Dwarfism (skeletal dysplasia) |
MOPD | Multi-state Online Professional Development |
MOPD | Maximum Optical Path Difference (Fourier transform spectrometry) |
MOPD | Maximum Opening Pressure Difference (solenoid valves) |
References inperiodicals archive
It is one of commonest presentation in medical outpatient department. It necessitates initial endoscopy in the presence of warning symptoms including Age [greater than or equal to]50 years3, family history of upper GI malignancy in a first-degree relative, unintended weight loss, bleeding or iron deficiency anemia, dysphagia, odynophagia, persistent vomiting, abnormal imaging suggesting organic disease4.
A 47-year-old female presented to the medical outpatient department with a 2-year history of fatigue and generalised cramps.
Parathyroid adenoma with concurrent toxic thyroid adenoma: a rare combination
CASE REPORT: A 50 year old post-menopausal woman from a near-by tribal village was admitted in the medical outpatient department in our hospital with a history of decreased urinary output since 1 week, fever since 1 week, abdominal pain 1 month, difficulty in passing urine since 1 month and white discharge since 1 month.
A rare presentation of a foreign body in vagina (wood apple)
When the specialist from Al Amal Hospital, which is under the Ministry of Health (MoH), is not present, some patients are turned away while some are issued prescriptions by General Practitioner's in the medical outpatient department (OPD), hospital
sources and patients said.
Patients 'Depressed' Over Shortage of Psychiatrists
A Washington, D.C., physician made it clear that "a significant aspect of the Karen Quinlan case is the fact that it is in court at all." The month before the court reached its decision, the director of the Medical Outpatient Department at Boston's Children's Hospital Center coolly offered a clinician's perspective in the pages of the Hastings Center Report:
What Quinlan can tell Kevorkian about the right to die
Likewise, there were no significant differences between the proportions being visited by a district nurse (34%, 29%), being admitted to hospital (28%, 27%) and attending medical outpatient departments (31%, 37%) ([x.sup.2], p > 0.05 for all comparisons).
Cost comparison of domiciliary and hospital-based stroke rehabilitation