LVTLow Voltage Trigger
LVTLow Voltage Ttl
LVTLeasehold Valuation Tribunal (UK)
LVTLicensed Veterinary Technician
LVTLand Value Taxation
LVTLow Volume Terminal
LVTLanding Vehicle Tracked
LVTLuxury Vinyl Tile
LVTLars Von Trier (Danish filmmaker)
LVTLow Voltage Transformer
LVTLas Vegas Travel (Tarzana, CA)
LVTLow Voltage Technology
LVTLovington (New Mexico town)
LVTLocal Virtual Time
LVTLipid Vector Technology (pharmaceuticals)
LVTLow-Voltage BiCMOS Technology (family of logic integrated circuits)
LVTLight Valve Technology
LVTLogovisual Technology
LVTLeuk Voor Thuis (Dutch: Nice to take with you)
LVTLow Voltage Threshold
LVTLow Voltage Transceiver
LVTLowest Virtual Time
LVTLeft Ventricular Tachycardia