LWALiving with Autism (various locations)
LWALittle Witch Academia (anime)
LWALand & Water Australia (est. 1990)
LWALong Wavelength Array
LWALeft-Wing Alliance (politics)
LWALong Wavelength Array (US Navy)
LWALimited Work Authorization
LWALottery Winners Anonymous (fictional support group from the TV show Life)
LWALight Weight Aggregate
LWALand Withdrawal Act
LWALernen, Wissensentdeckung Und Adaptivität (workshop)
LWALee Weil Associates, Inc (Chicago, IL)
LWALawrence Woodmere Academy (Woodmere, NY)
LWALightly Wounded in Action (historical battle terminology)
LWALondon Weighting Allowance (UK)
LWALeaky-Wave Antenna
LWALungujja Women's Association (Uganda)
LWALee, Wei, Amato (Reliability Model)