Acronym | Definition |
MIST | Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea and Turkey (market term; Goldman Sachs) |
MIST | Minimum Industry Safety Training (oil and gas industry) |
MIST | Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand (Southeast Asia) |
MIST | Military Institute of Science and Technology (Nirpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh) |
MIST | Minimally Invasive Surgical Trainer |
MIST | Minor Impact Soft-Tissue (insurance industry) |
MIST | Magnetosphere Ionosphere and Solar-Terrestrial |
MIST | Master of Information Studies |
MIST | Modular Interoperable Surface Terminal |
MIST | Mobile Information Support Team (US DoD) |
MIST | Medical Interagency Satellite Training (Army and Air Force Hosptials) |
MIST | Muslim Inter-Scholastic Tournament |
MIST | Man in Simulant Testing (chemical/biological protective clothing performance) |
MIST | Mitochondria Investigation and Supression Team (Parasite Eve 2, Playstation game) |
MIST | Multiband Integrated Satellite Terminal |
MIST | Modularized Interoperable Surface Terminal |
MIST | Multiple Input Sensor Terminal |
MIST | Meteorological Information Standard Terminal (USAF) |
MIST | Maintenance International Standardization Team |
MIST | Mosaic Infrared Sensor Technology |
MIST | Multi Industry Systems Technician |
MIST | Measurable Improvement with Specification Techniques (ESPRIT Project 10228) |
MIST | MIUS Integration and Subsystems Test |
MIST | Mishap Investigation Support Team |
MIST | Maximum Isothermal-System Temperature |
MIST | Microbursts in Severe Thunderstorms |
MIST | Mission Information and Software Transfer |
MIST | Missile Integrated Stage Technology |
MIST | Multi-application anti-friendly fire Identification Friend of Foe (IFF) System Employing Smart Weapon Adjustable Aspect Ranging Micro-Interceptor (SWAARM) Technology |
MIST | Moral Issues Sliced Thick (Tom Clancy) |
MIST | Minimum-Ignition Surface Temperature |
MIST | Multiple-Loop Integral System Test |
MIST | Meteorological Information Systems Terminal |
MIST | Microwave Imaging Based on Space-Time |
MIST | Management Information System Tool |
MIST | Man Integrated System Technology |
MIST | Military Information Support Team (4th Psychological Operations Group (Airborne)) |