LMZLandesmedienzentrum (Germany)
LMZLaser Medizin Zentrum (Germany)
LMZLeder und Motorradclub Zürich
LMZLocal Machine Zone
LMZLaboratory of Medical Zoology (University of Massachusetts)
LMZLehrmittelzentum (Austria)
LMZLeningradsky Metallichesky Zavod
LMZLower Mineralized Zone
LMZLakeshore Management Zone (Canada)
LMZLateral Marginal Zone
LMZLocal Management Zone (UK forestry)
LMZLebensmittel Zeitung (Germany)
LMZLaser-Melted Zone
LMZLeft Middle Zone (lung region)
LMZLizzie McGuire Zone (website)
LMZLower Mixing Zone
LMZLast Major Zone