MCCRMachine Check Recording and Recovery
MCCRMaryland Commission on Civil Rights (Baltimore, MD)
MCCRMobile Computing and Communications Review (publication)
MCCRMedical Care Cost Recovery
MCCRMiner County Community Revitalization (Miner County, South Dakota)
MCCRManchester Council for Community Relations (England)
MCCRMinistry of Citizenship Culture and Recreation (Canada)
MCCRMission-Critical Computer Resource(s)
MCCRMy Care Choices Register (database)
MCCRMinistry of Consumer & Commercial Relations (Ontario)
MCCRmanual closed circuit rebreather (diving technology)
MCCRMen's Calculated Course Rating (golf)
MCCRMulti Currency Conversion Rate
MCCRMemorial Care Centre of Rye (UK)
MCCRMechanical Closed Circuit Rebreather
MCCRMechanical Completion Check Record