Acronym | Definition |
LIC | Low Intensity Conflict |
LIC | Life Insurance Corporation of India |
LIC | License |
LIC | Long Island City |
LIC | Licenciado (Spanish) |
LIC | Living in Community (various locations) |
LIC | Liar in Chief (politics) |
LIC | Leaders in Conservation (Canada) |
LIC | Language in Context (various locations) |
LIC | Liberty Insurance Corporation (various locations) |
LIC | Life Insurance Corporate (India) |
LIC | Licensed Internal Code |
LIC | Linux Integration Center |
LIC | License File |
LIC | Local Independent Charities of America |
LIC | Lafayette Instrument Company (Indiana) |
LIC | Line Integral Convolution |
LIC | Low-Income Country |
LIC | Library Information Centre (various locations) |
LIC | Large Industrial Customer |
LIC | Laser-Induced Contamination |
LIC | Leiden Institute of Chemistry (Netherlands) |
LIC | Love In Christ |
LIC | Linear Integrated Circuit |
LIC | Less Industrialized Country |
LIC | Line Interface Card |
LIC | Livestock Improvement Corporation Ltd |
LIC | Labeler Identification Code |
LIC | Lepidoptera of Indo-China |
LIC | League International for Creditors |
LIC | Loyola International College (various locations) |
LIC | Lebanese Information Center |
LIC | LAN Interface Card |
LIC | Low Intensity Combat |
LIC | Language Identification Code |
LIC | Living in Chaos |
LIC | Libraries and Information Commission (UK) |
LIC | Lowest Incoming Channel |
LIC | Like I Care |
LIC | Long Island Conservatory |
LIC | Language Instruction Centrum |
LIC | Level Indicator Controller (Industrial description of a controller) |
LIC | Loop-in Control (aviation) |
LIC | Limited Interim Clearance |
LIC | Chief Lithographer (Naval Rating) |
LIC | Local Interference Committees (ARRL) |
LIC | Laser Intercept Capability |
LIC | Laser Induced Chemistry |
LIC | Loan Impairment Charge (finance) |
LIC | Link Interface Controller |
LIC | Lightguide Interconnect Cable (AT&T) |
LIC | Langley Investors' Club |
LIC | Logic Input Channel |
LIC | Link 11 Interface Converter (Tomahawk) |
LIC | Limite Impiego Calendariale (Italian: Limit Calendar Use) |
LIC | Logistics Information Center |
LIC | Launiupoko Irrigation Company, LLC |
LIC | Love in Colour (UK band) |
LIC | Lockout Incoming (Trunk) |
LIC | Loan Interest Capitalized |
LIC | Liability Computation |