LICLow Intensity Conflict
LICLife Insurance Corporation of India
LICLong Island City
LICLicenciado (Spanish)
LICLiving in Community (various locations)
LICLiar in Chief (politics)
LICLeaders in Conservation (Canada)
LICLanguage in Context (various locations)
LICLiberty Insurance Corporation (various locations)
LICLife Insurance Corporate (India)
LICLicensed Internal Code
LICLinux Integration Center
LICLicense File
LICLocal Independent Charities of America
LICLafayette Instrument Company (Indiana)
LICLine Integral Convolution
LICLow-Income Country
LICLibrary Information Centre (various locations)
LICLarge Industrial Customer
LICLaser-Induced Contamination
LICLeiden Institute of Chemistry (Netherlands)
LICLove In Christ
LICLinear Integrated Circuit
LICLess Industrialized Country
LICLine Interface Card
LICLivestock Improvement Corporation Ltd
LICLabeler Identification Code
LICLepidoptera of Indo-China
LICLeague International for Creditors
LICLoyola International College (various locations)
LICLebanese Information Center
LICLAN Interface Card
LICLow Intensity Combat
LICLanguage Identification Code
LICLiving in Chaos
LICLibraries and Information Commission (UK)
LICLowest Incoming Channel
LICLike I Care
LICLong Island Conservatory
LICLanguage Instruction Centrum
LICLevel Indicator Controller (Industrial description of a controller)
LICLoop-in Control (aviation)
LICLimited Interim Clearance
LICChief Lithographer (Naval Rating)
LICLocal Interference Committees (ARRL)
LICLaser Intercept Capability
LICLaser Induced Chemistry
LICLoan Impairment Charge (finance)
LICLink Interface Controller
LICLightguide Interconnect Cable (AT&T)
LICLangley Investors' Club
LICLogic Input Channel
LICLink 11 Interface Converter (Tomahawk)
LICLimite Impiego Calendariale (Italian: Limit Calendar Use)
LICLogistics Information Center
LICLauniupoko Irrigation Company, LLC
LICLove in Colour (UK band)
LICLockout Incoming (Trunk)
LICLoan Interest Capitalized
LICLiability Computation