OPCOLE for Process Control (OLE = Object Linking and Embedding)
OPCOrthodox Presbyterian Church
OPCOrdinary Portland Cement
OPCOropharyngeal Cancer (squamous cell carcinoma)
OPCOtsuka Pharmaceutical Co. (Japan)
OPCOpen Platform Communications (software)
OPCOutpatient Psychiatric Care
OPCOffice of the Privacy Commissioner (various locations)
OPCOptical Proximity Correction
OPCOmaha Press Club (Omaha, NE)
OPCOropharyngeal Candidiasis (infection)
OPCOffice de la Protection du Consommateur
OPCOpel Performance Center (Germany)
OPCOfficial Porsche Centre (vehicles; various locations)
OPCOnline Parish Clerks (UK)
OPCOptimum Power Calibration
OPCOnline Photo Center
OPCOle for Process Control
OPCon Programmable Chip
OPCOptical Photo Conductor
OPCOutput Packet Counter
OPCOracle Pre-Compiler
OPCOriginating Point Codes
OPCOpen Process Control
OPCOptimum Power Control
OPCOpel Performance Center
OPCOcean Prediction Center (US NOAA)
OPCOfficial Payments Corporation (electronic payment options)
OPCOrigination Point Code
OPCOligomeric Proanthocyanidin (antioxidant/antiinflamatory)
OPCOpen Packaging Conventions (container-file technology)
OPCOptimum Power-Control (CDMA)
OPCOodua Peoples Congress
OPCOil Palm Company (Nigeria)
OPCOverseas Press Club of America
OPCObesity Prevention Center (various locations)
OPCOffice of Public Counsel
OPCOptimum Power Calibration (optical writing technology)
OPCOjai Playwrights Conference (Ojai, CA)
OPCOriginating Point Code
OPCOriginal Poster Company (UK)
OPCOptical Particle Counter
OPCOntario Police College
OPCOntario Prevention Clearinghouse
OPCOffshore Patrol Cutter
OPCOperation Complete
OPCOrganic Photo-Conductor (Hewlett Packard toner technology)
OPCOil Pipeline Company
OPCOther People's Children
OPCOligodendrocyte Precursor Cell
OPCOperational Performance Commitment (Delta)
OPCOdua Peoples Congress
OPCOpen Link Exchange for Process Control
OPCOperation Provide Comfort
OPCOperations Controller
OPCOff Peak Car
OPCOther Peoples Cash
OPCOff Premises Contact (timeshares)
OPCObjective Performance Criteria
OPCOpenGL Performance Characterization
OPCOnline Public Catalog (various schools)
OPCOffice of the Protective Commissioner (Australia)
OPCOptical Photoconductor
OPCOne-Point-Cut (glass ampoules, medical packaging)
OPCOrganizational Program Coordinators (various organizations)
OPCOvamboland People's Congress
OPCOklahoma Pork Council
OPCOptimum Picture Control (Sony)
OPCOperations Planning & Control (IBM)
OPCOutdoor Pursuits Club
OPCOwn Point Code
OPCOther Project Costs
OPCOnstar Personal Calling
OPCOther Peoples' Code
OPCOji Paper Canada Ltd. (Japan)
OPCOutput Port Controller
OPCOrganisme de Placements Collectifs (Finance)
OPCOpinion of Probable Cost
OPCOutside Processors Council (Rockford, IL)
OPCOilfield Production Consultants Ltd
OPCOperation Committee (IATA)
OPCOperation Process Chart
OPCOther People's Cigarettes
OPCOrganizational Performance Consultant (US Coast Guard)
OPCOffice of Public Correspondence (Treasury Department)
OPCOntario Provincial Committee (Air Cadet League of Canada)
OPCOrientation Planning Committee
OPCOntario Poison Centre (Canada)
OPCOficiul Pentru Protecþia Consumatorilor (Romanian: Office for Consumer Protection)
OPCOakhurst Petanque Club (Oakhurst, CA)
OPCOcean Processing Center
OPCOffice of Primary Concern
OPCOligarchy Peep Contingent
OPCOdstock Parish Council
OPCOptical Physics Corporation
OPCOligoprocyanidin (specific type of antioxidant)
OPCOn Phone Call
OPCOffice Protestant de la Communication
OPCOptimal Prefix Code
OPCOutlining Process Chart
OPCOnnuree Presbyterian Church
OPCOracle Precompiler
OPCOscillator Power Control
OPCOverflow Priority Classification
OPCOrganizational Point of Contact
OPCOrganisation, Planification, and Control
OPCOptimum Performance Capable (aircraft is fully mission capable)
OPCObjat Poker Club (France)
OPCOpen Proxy Connection
OPCOperations Processed per Cycle (microprocessors)