LARCLangley Research Center
LARCLiver and Activation-Regulated Chemokine (cell protein)
LARCLondon Action Resource Centre
LARCLighter, Amphibious Resupply, Cargo
LARCLong Acting Reversible Contraception
LARCLearning and Academic Resource Center (University of California, Irvine)
LARCLegal Advice and Referral Center (Concord, NH)
LARCLatin America Research Center (Brazil)
LARCLaboratory for Recreational Computing
LARCLabor Archives and Research Center
LARCLutheran-Anglican-Roman Catholic
LARCLivermore Automatic Research Computer
LARCLancaster Amateur Radio Club (Lancaster, New York, USA)
LARCLearning Assistance and Resource Center (various locations)
LARCLoudoun Association for Retarded Citizens (Virginia)
LARCLos Angeles Rugby Club
LARCLibrary and Resource Center (various locations)
LARCLight Amphibious Resupply Craft
LARCLegal Analysis, Research and Communications (law school class; various locations)
LARCLimited Automatic Remote Collector (US NOAA)
LARCLorenger Aerospace & Research Corporation
LARCLibrary Assessment Review Committee
LARCLee Association for Retarded Citizens (Lee County Florida)
LARCLaser Ranging Countermeasures Program
LARCLearning and Resource Centre (UK)
LARCLocal Admission/Rate Controller
LARCLeveck Animal Research Center
LARCLowest Adjacent Road Crown