ALISAlberta Learning Information Service
ALISAutomatic Link Setup
ALISAlternate Lighting of Surfaces
ALISAccess Lines in Service
ALISAutomatic Locality Improving Storage
ALISAlliance for the Information Society (EU)
ALISAlternate Lighting of Surfaces (plasma display technology)
ALISAutonomic Logistics Information System
ALISAssociation du Locked-In Syndrome (Association for the Locked-In Syndrome)
ALISAutomated License Issuance System (Wisconsin state government)
ALISAlaska Land Information System
ALISAdvanced Life Information System
ALISArmy Library and Information Service (UK)
ALISAlternate Lighting of Surface Method (Fujitsu and Hitachi plasma displays)
ALISAccess Lines in Service (telecommunications)
ALISAdvanced Life Insurance System
ALISAegis LAN Interconnect System
ALISAmericas Lodging Investment Summit LLC (Costa Mesa, CA)