LADSLocal Area Development Scheme (India)
LADSLaser Airborne Depth Sounder (system)
LADSLarge Acceptance Detector System
LADSLanguages, Methodologies and Development Tools for Multi-Agent Systems (Workshop)
LADSLaundry Advanced System (Army water-based mobile field laundry unit)
LADSLiquidated and Ascertained Damages (construction contract)
LADSLocal Area Data Service
LADSLevy Animal Drawing Story (art therapy)
LADSLocation Aware Devices & Services
LADSLow Altitude Demonstration System
LADSLightweight Air Defense System
LADSLaser Air Defense System
LADSLaunch Area Determination System
LADSLimited Air Defense System
LADSLateinamerikanische Diaspora Schweiz (German: Latin American Diaspora Switzerland)