Acronym | Definition |
LTF | Liver Function Test |
LTF | Life Time Fitness |
LTF | Long Training Field (wireless communications) |
LTF | Language Translation Facility |
LTF | Light Transmission Factor (optometry) |
LTF | Limited Term Faculty (various universities) |
LTF | Lightning Training Flight (aircraft; UK) |
LTF | Local Transportation Fund |
LTF | Learning to Fly |
LTF | Loyal to Family |
LTF | Loan to Facilitate |
LTF | Lost to Follow-Up (testing) |
LTF | Long Term Fund (investing) |
LTF | Listening to Fear (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) |
LTF | Logistics Task Force |
LTF | Life Time Friend |
LTF | Legislative Task Force |
LTF | Light the Fire |
LTF | Line Trunk Frame (telecommunications) |
LTF | Lead the Fleet (US DoD program) |
LTF | Language-Trait Focused (linguistic) |
LTF | Largest Task First (scheduling strategy) |
LTF | Leap to Frogans |
LTF | Long Term Forecast |
LTF | Laying the Foundation, Inc. (Dallas, TX) |
LTF | Low Temperature Facilities |
LTF | Long Term Facility (hospitals) |
LTF | Lung Transplant Foundation (Raleigh, NC) |
LTF | Lackland Training Facility |
LTF | Long Term Fatigue |
LTF | Local Training Flight |
LTF | Look, Tone and Feel |
LTF | Long-Term Fix |
LTF | Liquid Tight Fitting (connector) |
LTF | Live the Fourth (Kairos retreats) |
LTF | Latest Thinking Forecast (project or budget revisions) |
LTF | Lebanese Taekwondo Federation |