LTFLiver Function Test
LTFLife Time Fitness
LTFLong Training Field (wireless communications)
LTFLanguage Translation Facility
LTFLight Transmission Factor (optometry)
LTFLimited Term Faculty (various universities)
LTFLightning Training Flight (aircraft; UK)
LTFLocal Transportation Fund
LTFLearning to Fly
LTFLoyal to Family
LTFLoan to Facilitate
LTFLost to Follow-Up (testing)
LTFLong Term Fund (investing)
LTFListening to Fear (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
LTFLogistics Task Force
LTFLife Time Friend
LTFLegislative Task Force
LTFLight the Fire
LTFLine Trunk Frame (telecommunications)
LTFLead the Fleet (US DoD program)
LTFLanguage-Trait Focused (linguistic)
LTFLargest Task First (scheduling strategy)
LTFLeap to Frogans
LTFLong Term Forecast
LTFLaying the Foundation, Inc. (Dallas, TX)
LTFLow Temperature Facilities
LTFLong Term Facility (hospitals)
LTFLung Transplant Foundation (Raleigh, NC)
LTFLackland Training Facility
LTFLong Term Fatigue
LTFLocal Training Flight
LTFLook, Tone and Feel
LTFLong-Term Fix
LTFLiquid Tight Fitting (connector)
LTFLive the Fourth (Kairos retreats)
LTFLatest Thinking Forecast (project or budget revisions)
LTFLebanese Taekwondo Federation