Acronym | Definition |
LOV | Land of the Vikings (various organizations) |
LOV | List of Values |
LOV | Letter of Verification |
LOV | Limit of Validity (aviation) |
LOV | Linked Open Vocabularies |
LOV | Los Osos Valley (California) |
LOV | Love of Variety (consumerism) |
LOV | Lists of Value |
LOV | Logical Object Volume |
LOV | Living Our Values (various companies) |
LOV | Line of Visibility |
LOV | Lower Ottawa Valley (Canada) |
LOV | Light-Oxygen-Voltage Sensing Domain (protein sensors) |
LOV | Library of Virginia (Richmond, VA) |
LOV | Loss of Vehicle (space travel) |
LOV | Monclova, Coahuila, Mexico - Monclova Airport (Airport Code) |
LOV | Loss of Value |
LOV | Letter of Variation (various locations) |
LOV | La Organización Verde (Spanish: Green Party, Guatemala) |
LOV | Last Office Visit |
LOV | Leuvense Oldtimer Vrienden (Dutch: Leuven Oldtimer Friends; automobile club; Leuven, Belgium) |