Acronym | Definition |
LTI | Linear Time Invariant |
LTI | Long-Term Illness |
LTI | Loan to Income (ratio) |
LTI | Lite Touch Installation (software) |
LTI | Long Term Incentive (NZ) |
LTI | Lost Time Injury |
LTI | London Taxis International |
LTI | Leadership Training Institute |
LTI | Lingua Tertii Imperii (language of the NAZI empire, Latin) |
LTI | Lighting Technologies, Inc. (various locations) |
LTI | Lost Time Incident |
LTI | Left Thumb Impression (personal identification) |
LTI | Language Technologies Institute (Carnegie Mellon University; Pittsburgh, PA) |
LTI | London Taxis International (company) |
LTI | Learning Tree International |
LTI | Lincoln Technical Institute (automotive education) |
LTI | Life Technologies, Inc. |
LTI | Language Training Institute (various locations) |
LTI | Learning Tools Interoperability (IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc.) |
LTI | Land Title Institute (American Land Title Association) |
LTI | LeTourneau Technologies, Inc. |
LTI | Laser Thermal Imaging (Kodak) |
LTI | Leadership Training Initiative (various organizations) |
LTI | Library Technologies, Inc. (Willow Grove,PA) |
LTI | Long Term Inventory (various companies) |
LTI | Lucent Technologies, Inc. |
LTI | London Taxi Corporation (London; UK) |
LTI | Limited Technical Inspection |
LTI | Learning Technology Institute |
LTI | Lowell Technological Institute (Massachusetts) |
LTI | Live Training Instrumentation |
LTI | Ladder Towers International (fire engine ladder tower manufacturer) |
LTI | Licentiate of the Textile Institute |
LTI | Laser Thermal Implantation |
LTI | Listowel Technology Inc |
LTI | Laboratoire de Toxicologie Industrielle (French: Laboratory for Industrial Toxicology; Belgium) |
LTI | LORAN-C Timing Interface (Sprint) |
LTI | Lower Tactical Internet (battlefield communications network for echelons at brigade and below) |
LTI | Language Technology Incorporated |
LTI | Learning Tree Information |
LTI | Longtime Integration |
LTI | Licence de Transport Internationale (France) |
LTI | Louisiana Technical Institute |
LTI | Lower Thermosphere and Ionosphere |
LTI | Last Two International (radio) |