LTILinear Time Invariant
LTILong-Term Illness
LTILoan to Income (ratio)
LTILite Touch Installation (software)
LTILong Term Incentive (NZ)
LTILost Time Injury
LTILondon Taxis International
LTILeadership Training Institute
LTILingua Tertii Imperii (language of the NAZI empire, Latin)
LTILighting Technologies, Inc. (various locations)
LTILost Time Incident
LTILeft Thumb Impression (personal identification)
LTILanguage Technologies Institute (Carnegie Mellon University; Pittsburgh, PA)
LTILondon Taxis International (company)
LTILearning Tree International
LTILincoln Technical Institute (automotive education)
LTILife Technologies, Inc.
LTILanguage Training Institute (various locations)
LTILearning Tools Interoperability (IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc.)
LTILand Title Institute (American Land Title Association)
LTILeTourneau Technologies, Inc.
LTILaser Thermal Imaging (Kodak)
LTILeadership Training Initiative (various organizations)
LTILibrary Technologies, Inc. (Willow Grove,PA)
LTILong Term Inventory (various companies)
LTILucent Technologies, Inc.
LTILondon Taxi Corporation (London; UK)
LTILimited Technical Inspection
LTILearning Technology Institute
LTILowell Technological Institute (Massachusetts)
LTILive Training Instrumentation
LTILadder Towers International (fire engine ladder tower manufacturer)
LTILicentiate of the Textile Institute
LTILaser Thermal Implantation
LTIListowel Technology Inc
LTILaboratoire de Toxicologie Industrielle (French: Laboratory for Industrial Toxicology; Belgium)
LTILORAN-C Timing Interface (Sprint)
LTILower Tactical Internet (battlefield communications network for echelons at brigade and below)
LTILanguage Technology Incorporated
LTILearning Tree Information
LTILongtime Integration
LTILicence de Transport Internationale (France)
LTILouisiana Technical Institute
LTILower Thermosphere and Ionosphere
LTILast Two International (radio)