Acronym | Definition |
LP | Limited Partnership (legal business entity) |
LP | Long Playing (record) |
LP | Liquid Propane |
LP | Linear Programming |
LP | Limited Partner (IRB) |
LP | Latin Percussion (maker of various percussion instruments) |
LP | Linear Program |
LP | Les Paul (type of guitar) |
LP | Long Play(ing) |
LP | Lincoln Park (various locations) |
LP | Louisiana-Pacific |
LP | Loop |
LP | Line Printer |
LP | Let's Play (gaming) |
LP | Linkin Park (band) |
LP | Low Power |
LP | Low Profile |
LP | License Plate |
LP | Low Pressure |
LP | Low-Pass (filter, amplifier) |
LP | Lesson Plan |
LP | List Price |
LP | Liberal Party |
LP | Lonely Planet (travel guides) |
LP | Low Pass (Filter) |
LP | Linear Prediction |
LP | Loss Prevention |
LP | Login/Password |
LP | Libertarian Party |
LP | Laser Printer |
LP | Logic Programming (computing) |
LP | Long Period |
LP | Laughing Place (Disney) |
LP | Large Print (visual impairment) |
LP | Licensed Practical (nurse; US HRSA) |
LP | Listening Post |
LP | Leadership Program |
LP | Landplane |
LP | Lumbar Puncture |
LP | Liquefied Petroleum |
LP | Lycée Professionnel (French: Professional School) |
LP | Lipoprotein |
LP | Launch Pad (various organizations) |
LP | Labour Party |
LP | Legal Problems |
LP | Legislative Process |
LP | Life Points (Yu-Gi-Oh! game) |
LP | Light Peak |
LP | Lightning Protection |
LP | Low Point |
LP | Layout Plan (urban development) |
LP | Liquidity Provider (finance) |
LP | Lan Peru (Peruvian Airlines, IATA airline code) |
LP | Lemon Party |
LP | Licensed Producer (marijuana; Canada) |
LP | Low Priority |
LP | Limited Production |
LP | La Pampa (Argentina province, airline code) |
LP | Landing Point |
LP | Licensed Psychologist |
LP | Lamp Post |
LP | Legislative Proposal |
LP | Local Park |
LP | Light Pole |
LP | Link Popularity (website links) |
LP | Life Partner |
LP | Lichen Planus (skin disease) |
LP | Last Paid |
LP | Loan Prospector |
LP | Lacrimas Profundere (German band) |
LP | Lost Prophets (band) |
LP | Low Paying |
LP | Logical Partition (IBM AIX) |
LP | Longitudinale Posteriore (Italian: Longitudinal Posterior; Lamborghini) |
LP | Life Policy (insurance) |
LP | Licorice Pizza (record) |
LP | Limited Product |
LP | Lis Pendens (Latin: pending lawsuit) |
LP | Langspielplatte (German: Long Playing Record) |
LP | Liability Policy |
LP | Lower Peninsula (of Michigan) |
LP | Low Permeation (fuel) |
LP | Local Primary |
LP | Log Periodic |
LP | Licensed Paralegal (law) |
LP | Lao Po (Chinese: Wife) |
LP | Langmuir Probe |
LP | Linearly Polarized (EIA-440-A) |
LP | La Previa (TV show) |
LP | Line Pair (philately) |
LP | Laxmikant Pyarelal (Inidan film music producers) |
LP | Loss of Pay |
LP | Logical Process |
LP | Las Plumas (California) |
LP | Latent Period |
LP | Long Pointer (32-bit memory address in a 16-bit operating system) |
LP | Line Processor |
LP | La Pucelle (PS2 game) |
LP | Licensed Practitioner |
LP | Learning Page (educational resources website company) |
LP | Liquidity Premium |
LP | Legge Provinciale (Italian: Provincial Law) |
LP | Liquid Propellant |
LP | Life Profile |
LP | Load Package |
LP | Linear Polarizer |
LP | Lesbian Pornography |
LP | Luff Perpendicular (sailing measurement) |
LP | Lighting Panel |
LP | Lyceum of the Philippines |
LP | Local Purchase (Stores 100 code) |
LP | Linear Polarized |
LP | Local Processor |
LP | Leaf Protein |
LP | Licensed Paramedic |
LP | Laser Prostatectomy |
LP | Launch Position |
LP | Limited Procurement |
LP | Lorimar Productions |
LP | Linking Protection |
LP | Lincolnshire Police (UK) |
LP | Light Patrol |
LP | Liquid Penetration (metal test to show stress cracks and surface faults) |
LP | Leadership Points (gaming) |
LP | Large Processor |
LP | Lab Prototype |
LP | Lower Order Path |
LP | Latinos Progresando (not-for-profit organization assisting with immigration related issues) |
LP | Lockout of Protection |
LP | Lex Persona |
LP | Line Patterning |
LP | Lazer Park (New York) |
LP | Linha de Partida |
LP | Locator Protocol (location-based GPRS services) |
LP | Lincoln Prairie School (Hoffman Estates, Illinois) |
LP | Little Person/People |
LP | Leased Platform |
LP | Left Traffic Pattern |
LP | Link Paralleling |
LP | Lunatic Posse (Quake gaming clan) |
LP | Large Package Based |
LP | Lunar Prospector (spacecraft) |