LOALength Overall (boat specification)
LOALaw of Attraction
LOAList of Activities (various organizations)
LOALack of Afro (band)
LOALeague of Angels (gaming)
LOALetter of Acceptance
LOALocation avec Option d'Achat (French: Rent with Option to Buy)
LOALeague of Assassins (gaming)
LOALady of America (fitness club chain)
LOALetter Of Authorization
LOALeave Of Absence
LOALibrary of America
LOALaboratory of Archaeology (Canada)
LOALitres of Alcohol (volume measurement)
LOALetter of Accommodation (disability; various schools)
LOALimit of Authority
LOALine of Argument
LOALetter of Appointment (various organizations)
LOALetter of Offer and Acceptance (US DoD)
LOALening Op Afbetaling (Dutch: Installment Loan)
LOALights on Afterschool (Afterschool Alliance)
LOALord of Arcana (video game)
LOALife of Agony
LOALevel of Ambition (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
LOALetter of Amendment (various organizations)
LOALetter of Assist (US DoD)
LOALetter of Approval
LOALaw Office Administration (various schools)
LOALevel of Assurance
LOAList of Acronyms
LOALibrary Object Adapter
LOALocal Office on Aging
LOALetter of Authenticity (collectible memorabilia)
LOALegends of Aranna (game)
LOALength Over All
LOALevel of Articulation (computer graphics)
LOALaunch Operations Area (US NASA)
LOALoss of Appetite
LOALetter of Agency
LOALove One Another
LOALine of Accounting
LOALevel of Acculturation
LOALetter of Authority
LOALack of Attention
LOAList of Abbreviations
LOALernen Ohne Angst (German: Learn without Fear)
LOALords of Acid (band)
LOALighthouses of Australia, Inc. (est. 2002)
LOALaw of Averages
LOALetter Of Apology
LOALetter of Award (architects/developers and contractors)
LOALevel of Awareness
LOALevel of Abstraction (research)
LOALetter Of Appreciation
LOALogistics Operations Area
LOALibrary of Alexandria (game)
LOAList of Acronym(s)
LOALevel of Assessment
LOALast of All
LOALeif Ove Andsnes (classical pianist)
LOALinear Optical Amplifier (Genoa)
LOALevel Of Authority
LOALetters of Assurance
LOALysis of Adhesions (surgical procedure)
LOALimit of Advance
LOALodgment Operational Area (US DoD)
LOALine of Authority (insurance law)
LOALogistics Officers Association (formerly Maintenance Officers Association)
LOALoss of Attachment (periodontal disease)
LOALiving Out Allowance (housing)
LOALight Off Assessment
LOALegend of Ares (online game)
LOALetter of Admonishment
LOALogistics Over-the-Shore (LOTS) Operation Area (US DoD)
LOALoss of Alignment (SDH or Sonet Technology)
LOALetter of Administration
LOALine of Affiliation
LOALeft Occipito Anterior (fetal position)
LOALine of Appropriation
LOALove on Arrival (Dan Seals song)
LOALiefde op Afstand (Dutch: Love on Distance)
LOALead Operational Authority
LOALosers of America (gaming clan)
LOALocal Overseas Allowance
LOALegion Of Apocalypse (hacker group)
LOALight Observation Aircraft
LOALoan Officer Assistant
LOALoyal Orange Association (Canadian fraternal organization)
LOALeague of Awesomeness
LOALand of Atlantis (band)
LOALease-Option Agreement
LOALate Onset Asthma
LOALegacy of Assassins (PS3 clan)
LOALoss of Aircraft (logistics)
LOALooseness of Association
LOALimited Open Authorization
LOALimited Operational Availability
LOALeadership Opportunity Awards
LOALetter of Abandonment
LOALimited Operational Assessment
LOALesbians Of America
LOALength of Association
LOALink Occupancy Analysis
LOALetter Of Agreement/Acceptance
LOALimit of Allowance
LOALords of Arograth (online game)
LOALead Out Advantage
LOALuck of Aleia (emo band)
LOALower Open Auxiliary
LOALube Oil Additive
LOALocale Omroep Ameland (Dutch radio station)
LOALeast Objectionable Activity (Big Bang Theory TV series)
LOALove of Anime
LOALords of Armageddon (gaming)
LOALove of Animals, Inc (Visalia, CA)
LOALands of Acheron (Neverwinter Nights game server)
LOALogistics Operations Analysis (McHugh Software International)
LOALoss of Assist (automobiles)
LOALambs of Abortion (band)
LOALorry Owners Association (India)
LOALordz of Anarchy (gamer clan)
LOALeaf Over Axle (Motor Vehicle Suspension Design)