KSIKey Source International
KSIKey Set Identifier
KSIKilled or Seriously Injured (UK road safety statisitcs)
KSIKey Solutions, Inc. (various companies)
KSIKinetic Systems, Inc. (various locations)
KSIKnattspyrnusamband Íslands (football association of Iceland)
KSIKovack Securities, Inc. (Ft. Lauderdale, FL)
KSIKips Per Square Inch (engineering)
KSIThousands of pounds per Square Inch
KSIKyocera Solar, Inc. (Scottsdale, AZ)
KSIKubota Systems, Inc. (Osaka, Japan)
KSIKyoto Sustainability Initiative (Kyoto, Japan)
KSIKriya Systems, Inc. (software company)
KSIKommando Schwarze Infusion (German: Command Black Infusion)
KSIKnowledge, Strength, Integrity (gaming community)
KSIKludge Sound Inc.
KSIKilling Spree Inc (gaming clan)
KSIKali Sikaran International (martial arts)
KSIKelly Services Incorporated
KSIKnight of the Star of India
KSIKilling Service Incorporated (gaming clan)