KSRKim Stanley Robinson (novelist)
KSRKinase Suppressor of Ras
KSRKeyboard Send Receive
KSRKelly Scientific Resources (staffing; various locations)
KSRKentucky Sports Radio (Internet radio)
KSRKeyboard Send/Receive
KSRKosher (certification mark)
KSRKentucky State Reformatory
KSRKatori Shinto Ryu (martial arts)
KSRKernspinresonanz (German: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance)
KSRKing's School Rochester (UK)
KSRKendall Square Research, Inc
KSRKorean Society of Rheology
KSRKorea Society of Raccoon
KSRKey Storage RAM (Random-Access Memory)
KSRKonstant-Strom-Regelung (German: regulation of constant current)
KSRKnown Shortage Report (sales)