LAGLa Grange (Amtrak station code; La Grange, IL)
LAGLatest and Greatest
LAGLandesarbeitsgericht (German: National Labor Court)
LAGLagos, Nigeria
LAGLehramt an Gymnasien (German: Secondary School Teacher)
LAGLowest Adjacent Grade
LAGLink Aggregation Group
LAGLine Access Gateway
LAGLocal Application Group
LAGLatin America Group (various organizations)
LAGLegal Action Group (UK charity)
LAGLink Aggregation Group (IEEE standard)
LAGLiquids, Aerosols and Gels
LAGLousy at Gaming
LAGLocal Agency Guidelines
LAGLaufstall-Arbeits-Gemeinschaft e.V.
LAGLebensabschnittsgefährte (German: Common Law Spouse)
LAGLeft-Associative Grammar
LAGLakes Area GMRS Repeater Group
LAGLivid and Gifted (gaming clan)
LAGLive Action Gaming
LAGLaw Advisory Group
LAGLouisiana Anti-Scripting Group (gaming clan)
LAGLaunch Analysis Group
LAGLayered Auxiliary Graph
LAGLink Adapter Group
LAGLogical Applications Group