Acronym | Definition |
MEF | Marine Expeditionary Force |
MEF | Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas (Spanish) |
MEF | Metro Ethernet Forum |
MEF | Managed Extensibility Framework (Microsoft .NET) |
MEF | Mobile Entertainment Forum |
MEF | Modernized E-File (IRS) |
MEF | Middle East Forum (think tank) |
MEF | Master in Economics and Finance (various schools) |
MEF | Ministry of Environment and Forestry (various locations) |
MEF | Major Economies Forum |
MEF | Mouse Embryonic Fibroblast |
MEF | Most Expressive Feature |
MEF | Message Exchange Format |
MEF | Modified Energy Factor |
MEF | Mediterranean Expeditionary Force (Gallipoli) |
MEF | Movies Explained For (YouTube) |
MEF | Malaysian Employers Federation |
MEF | Mother Earth Foundation (Philippines) |
MEF | Malaita Eagle Force |
MEF | Mission Endowment Fund (various organizations) |
MEF | Medical Education Foundation (various locations) |
MEF | Museo Paleontológico Egidio Feruglio (Patagonia, Argentina) |
MEF | Mean Effective Pressure |
MEF | Middle East Force |
MEF | Maximum Expiratory Flow |
MEF | Metal-Enhanced Fluorescence |
MEF | Mission Essential Function |
MEF | MADS Box Transcription Enhancer Factor |
MEF | Master Earnings File |
MEF | Mindolo Ecumenical Foundation (Zambia) |
MEF | Meksika Esperanto-Federacio (Mexican National Convention of Esperanto) |
MEF | Mask Error Factor |
MEF | Maximum Elevation Figures (aeronautics) |
MEF | Martin Ennals Foundation (Switzerland) |
MEF | Maximum Expansion Factor (bullets) |
MEF | Mission Execution Forecast (Air Force Weather Briefings) |
MEF | Minimum Essential Force |
MEF | Minimum Essential Facility |
MEF | Major Equipment File |
MEF | Mission Essential Force |
MEF | Mères et Femmes (French: Mothers Are Women; Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) |
MEF | Ministry Expansion Fund |
MEF | Mobility Enhancement Fund |
MEF | Martingale Estimating Functions |
MEF | Materials Exposure Facility |
MEF | Magnetics Environmental Filter |
MEF | Montville Education Foundation |
MEF | Mature Equivalent of Fat |
MEF | Minimum Elevation Figure (aeronautical maps) |
MEF | Mission Equipment Facility |
MEF | Mouse Embryo Feeder (cells) |