MEGAMichigan Economic Growth Authority
MEGAMolecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis
MEGAMsi Entertainment and Gaming Appliance
MEGA10 to 6 (million)
MEGAEffective Methods in Algebraic Geometry (Conference)
MEGAMedium Energy Gamma-ray Astronomy (telescope)
MEGAMiddle Educators Global Activities
MEGAMunicipal Electric and Gas Alliance
MEGAMultidisciplinary Education in Geriatrics and Aging
MEGAMicrolensing Exploration of the Galaxy and Andromeda
MEGAMichigan Emu Growers Association (Midland, MI)
MEGAmembrane electrode gasket assembly
MEGAMaritime Embedded GPS (Global Positioning System) Adapter (US Navy)
MEGAMaintenance, Engineering, Grants and Accounting (Iowa state government)
MEGAMicrolensing Exploration of the Galaxy & Andromeda
MEGAMuon (decays to) an Electron and a Gamma ray (experiment)