Acronym | Definition |
MAPP | Microsoft Active Protections Program |
MAPP | Micro Array Pathway Profiler |
MAPP | Master of Arts in Public Policy (various schools) |
MAPP | Mid-Continent Area Power Pool (industrial association; est. 1972) |
MAPP | Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (Palm Beach County Health Department) |
MAPP | Motivational Appraisal of Personal Potential |
MAPP | Master of Applied Positive Psychology |
MAPP | Model Approach to Partnerships in Parenting |
MAPP | Mission Arts & Performance Project |
MAPP | Minimum Advertised Pricing Policy |
MAPP | Major Accident Prevention Policy |
MAPP | Master Access and Privacy Professional (certification; Canada) |
MAPP | Model for Assessing Pilots' Performance (research; Australia) |
MAPP | Multipurpose Acoustical Prediction Program (Meyer Sound) |
MAPP | Modern Aids to Planning Program |
MAPP | Michigan Association of Paddlesport Providers (Traverse City, MI) |
MAPP | Master Acquisition Program Plan |
MAPP | Manpower And Personnel Plan |
MAPP | Methyl Acetylene Propadiene Stabilized |
MAPP | Michigan Association for Professional Psychology |
MAPP | Monthly Claim Automation and Procedures Planner |
MAPP | Military Applications Promotion Package |
MAPP | Mutual Assistance Parole Plan |
MAPP | Medication Adherence Predictor Program (McKesson) |