LTRLong Terminal Repeat
LTRLong Term Relationship
LTRLeft to Right
LTRletter size (US Postal Service)
LTRLow Thermal Resistance
LTRLittlerock (Amtrak station code; Littlerock, CA)
LTRLikelihood to Recommend (market research surveys)
LTRLanguage Temps Reel
LTRLearn to Ride (snowboarding)
LTRLocal Twitch Respons (skeletal muscle fibers)
LTRLearn to Read (education)
LTRLoad Task Register
LTRLearn to Row (rowing instruction)
LTRLogic Trunked Radio (trunked two-way radio)
LTRLong Term Research
LTRLifetime Risk
LTRLoop Transfer Recovery
LTRLibrary Technology Reports (American Library Association publication)
LTRLight Tactical Rifle (gun)
LTRLong Term Romance
LTRLaser Tracker Receiver (Apache attack helicopter)
LTRLearn To Return
LTRLeisure Tyme Rentals, Inc. (Albemarle, NC)
LTRLittle Theatre of the Rockies
LTRLower Troposphere Radar
LTRLoss of Therapeutic Response (drug efficacy)
LTRLove Trust Respect
LTRLevel Term Rider (life insurance)
LTRLady To Ride
LTRLicensing Topical Report
LTRLong Term Requirement
LTRLand Tenure Regularisation
LTRLong-Term Return Rate (TL 9000)
LTRLower Trunk Rotation (physical therapy)
LTRLight Tactical Raft
LTRLaser Transmitter Receiver (LANTIRN)
LTRLicensing Topical Reports
LTRLead Technical Representative
LTRLight Transmission Ratio
LTRLaser Target Rangefinder
LTRLong-Term Recall (neuropsychology)
LTRLoving Tender Relationship
LTRLocal Transaction Request (computer processing)
LTRLogistics Training Review
LTRLossless Trace Reduction
LTRLocal Travel Report (AMSEC)
LTRLoan against Trust Receipts
LTRLepidoptera of Turkey (Centre for Entomological Studies Ankara project)