LTSLife's Too Short
LTSLearning and Teaching Strategy (courses)
LTSLotus (automobile)
LTSLong Term Support
LTSLearning and Teaching Support (various universities)
LTSLocal Transport Strategy (UK)
LTSLow Temperature Shift (industrial catalyst)
LTSLong-Term Survival (healthcare)
LTSLoad Transfer Switch
LTSLagere Technische School (Dutch: Lower Technical School)
LTSLavender Town Syndrome (Pokemon)
LTSLipolysis Testing Strips (diet)
LTSLow Temperature Storage
LTSLoop Test System
LTSLocal Training Seminar
LTSLarge Test Structure
LTSLogical Time System
LTSLibrary and Technical Services
LTSLenovo Training Solutions
LTSLine Tabulation Set
LTSLabelled Transition Systems
LTSLiving to Serve (Future Farmers of America)
LTSLocal Telephone System
LTSLong Trail School (Dorset, VT)
LTSLand Trust Society (Canada)
LTSLong Term Sickness
LTSLong-Term Storage
LTSLocal Time Stepping (mathematics)
LTSLondon Theological Seminary (London, England, UK)
LTSLong Term Solution
LTSLarge Technical System
LTSLaughing to Self
LTSLong Term Stewardship
LTSLong Term Service
LTSLong-Term Strategy
LTSLong-Term Stability
LTSLong Term Substitute (teacher)
LTSLancaster Theological Seminary
LTSLabelled Transition System
LTSLong Term Study
LTSLaw of the Sea
LTSLanguage Translation System (software)
LTSLearning Technology Specialist
LTSLow Temperature Superconductor
LTSLast Team Standing (gaming)
LTSLeipzig Tourist Service eV (Leipzig, Germany)
LTSLohmann Therapy System (Caldwell, NJ)
LTSLeaning Toothpick Syndrome (excessively long sequences of \\ and / characters)
LTSLearning and Technology Services (Wisconsin)
LTSLow Temperature Separation
LTSLong-Term Suspension (student disciplinary action)
LTSLimited Time Special
LTSLaser Tracking System
LTSLeadership Training Service
LTSLead Tax Services (various companies)
LTSLadle Treatment Station (metallurgy)
LTSLaboratory Test Set
LTSLiquid Treatment System
LTSLine Test Set
LTSLow Temperature Sensitization
LTSLunging Thrust-Smack (Kingdom of Loathing)
LTSLondon, Tilbury and Southend Rail (UK)
LTSLocal Test Statistic
LTSLaparoscopic Tubal Sterilization
LTSList of Toxic Substances (Canada)
LTSLimited Tree Search
LTSLast Try Scorer (rugby)
LTSLeadership Training Systems
LTSLabor Transfer System
LTSLogical Time Slot
LTSLunch Time Seminar
LTSLast Time Sale (manufacturing)
LTSLocal Test Sequence