AOWAlgemene Ouderdomswet
AOWAdvancement of Women (various locations)
AOWAdvanced Open Water (PADI)
AOWArt of War
AOWAge of Wonders (computer game)
AOWAll Over the World
AOWAct of War Direct Action (game; usually shortened to Act of War)
AOWAncient of War (Warcraft III reference)
AOWAny Other Weapon
AOWAll out war (boards and forums)
AOWAirlines of the Web (resource)
AOWAssociation of Wrens (Women's Royal Naval Service; UK)
AOWAustralasian Ontology Workshop
AOWAsia and Oceania Workshop
AOWAquarium on Wheels (National Aquarium; Baltimore, MD)
AOWAvatar of War (Everquest)
AOWAngels of War (gaming clan)
AOWArea of Work
AOWAngels of Wrath (gaming clan)
AOWAuxiliaryman of the Watch
AOWAssignment of Work