Acronym | Definition |
KTM | King of The Mountains (forum) |
KTM | Keretapi Tanah Melayu (Malayan Railway, Malaysia) |
KTM | Kauppa- ja Teollisuusministeriö (Finnish: Ministry of Trade and Industry) |
KTM | Katmai (processor instruction set) |
KTM | Kitchen Table Math (book) |
KTM | Kernel Transaction Manager |
KTM | Ketua Tempat Mengundi (Malay: Chief Polling Station) |
KTM | Kauppatieteiden maisteri (Finnish: Master of Science Econnomics) |
KTM | Known to Me (forum) |
KTM | Kernel Transaction Manager (Windows programming) |
KTM | Kathmandu, Nepal - Tribhuvan (Airport Code) |
KTM | Kineto Tracking Mount (defense industry) |
KTM | Kronreif and Trunkenpolz, Mattighofen (motorcycle manufacturer) |
KTM | Key Task Monitor |