Acronym | Definition |
LID | Low Impact Development |
LID | Local Improvement District |
LID | Lewica I Demokraci (Polish center-left political coalition) |
LID | Low Incidence Disabilities (various locations) |
LID | Lead Independent Director (various companies) |
LID | Line Id |
LID | Local Id |
LID | Load Id |
LID | Language Identification |
LID | Link Interface Driver |
LID | Logical Input Device |
LID | Lost in the Desert (slang; Ft. Irwin, California) |
LID | Living in Denial |
LID | Light Infantry Division |
LID | Levodopa-Induced Dyskinesia (medical condition) |
LID | Limited Ingredient Diet (Natural Balance pet food) |
LID | Light Induced Degradation (solar cells) |
LID | League for Industrial Democracy |
LID | Log In Date (adoptions) |
LID | Leadless Inverted Device |
LID | Learning Improvement Days |
LID | Logical Identifier |
LID | Local Injection and Detection (FOC) |
LID | Licensed Interior Designer |
LID | Load Imbalance Detector |
LID | Limited In Depth |
LID | Laser Initiated Device |
LID | Levy Improvement District |
LID | Legislative Information Division |
LID | Local Interface Device (portable computer interface) |
LID | Latinos in Development (Chicago, IL) |
LID | License Information Document |
LID | Last Issue Date |
LID | Laser Intrusion Device |
LID | Library Issue Document |
LID | Leg In Disguise (airborne qualified soldier with less than 6 jumps) |
LID | Last Instrument Delivery |
LID | Linear Inertial Decoupler (Gemini Technologies, Inc.) |
LID | Latest Induction Date |
LID | Latch Insertion Delay |
LID | Laser Image Display |
LID | Light Intensity Device |
LID | Laser Illumination Detector |
LID | Legionnaires in Doubt (Deathray song) |
LID | Lead Identification Department |
LID | Local Information in Dorset (UK) |