LPGLiquefied Petroleum Gas
LPGLiquid Propane Gas
LPGLow Price Guarantee
LPGLandwirtschaftliche Produktionsgenossenschaft (East German Farmers Collective)
LPGLiquid Petroleum Gas
LPGLow Pressure Gas
LPGLiberalization, Privatization and Globalization
LPGLong Period Grating (sensor)
LPGLiquid Propellant Gun
LPGLicensed Professional Geologist (Indiana)
LPGLypophosphoglycan (chemistry)
LPGLand and Property Gazetteer
LPGLocal Peer Group
LPGLaparoscopic Gastric Bypass
LPGLesson Planning Guide
LPGLekker Potje Grolsch (Dutch: good pint of beer)
LPGLowest Possible Gear
LPGLondon Processing Group
LPGLincoln Park Gardens
LPGLight Particle Gun (gaming, Missionforce: Cyberstorm)