ALOAnimal Liberation Orchestra (band)
ALOAustrian Literature Online (database)
ALOAt Least Once
ALOAccess List Object
ALOAssessing Learning Outcomes (various organizations)
ALOAir Liaison Officer
ALOAcademie Voor Lichamelijke Opvoeding
ALOAustin Lyric Opera (Texas)
ALOAdministrative Law Officer (various locations)
ALOApraxia of Eyelid Opening (motor abnormality)
ALOAfghanistan Liberation Organisation
ALOAndrew Loog Oldham (former Rolling Stones manager)
ALOAlliance for a Living Ocean
ALOArab Labour Organization
ALOAccess Line Optical (telecommunications)
ALOAuthorized Level Of Organization
ALOA Live One (Phish album)
ALOAlbuquerque Operations Office (US Department of Energy)
ALOAllegheny Commuter Airlines (ICAO code)
ALOAbraham Lincoln Online (website)
ALOWaterloo, IA, USA - Waterloo Municipal Airport (Airport Code)
ALOAudit Liaison Officer
ALOAegis Light Off
ALOArtillery Liaison Officer
ALOArmy Liaison Officer (US Army)
ALOAccounting Liaison Office
ALOAgency Liaison Officer
ALOAirland Operations
ALOAlpha Laser Optimization
ALOAtlanta Lawyers' Orchestra (Atlanta, GA)
ALOArmy Learning Object
ALOAirlock Outfitting
ALOArchitect Liaison Officer (UK)
ALOAllied Liaison Office(r)
ALOAssembly Line Order (Northrop Grumman)