Acronym | Definition |
MGM | Metro-Goldwyn Mayer (movie studio) |
MGM | Milligram |
MGM | Mystery Guitar Man |
MGM | Media Gateway Manager |
MGM | Mostly Good Memory |
MGM | Maternal Grandmother |
MGM | Mardi Gras Madness (various organizations) |
MGM | Midtown Global Market (Midtown Global Market) |
MGM | Mercury Grand Marquis (automobile model) |
MGM | Ministerstwo Gospodarki Morskiej (Polish: Ministry of Maritime Economy) |
MGM | Male Genital Mutilation (usually in reference to circumcision) |
MGM | Microrganismi Geneticamente Modificati (Italian: Genetically Modified Organisms) |
MGM | Molecular Genetics & Microbiology |
MGM | Member-Get-a-Member |
MGM | Mechanics of Granular Materials |
MGM | Means Great Movies (Metro-Goldwyn Mayer motto) |
MGM | Molecular Graphics and Modeling (Kansas University) |
MGM | Monopulse Ground Map (US Air Force) |
MGM | Master in Government Management |
MGM | Mentally Gifted Minors |
MGM | Mailgram |
MGM | Montgomery, AL, USA - Dannelly Field (Airport Code) |
MGM | Mission Manager |
MGM | Memory Grant Manager |
MGM | Managerial Gross Margin |
MGM | Mentally Gifted Men |
MGM | Master Group Multiplexer |
MGM | Materiel Group Manager |
MGM | Modified Gradient Method |
MGM | Medical Group Management Journal |
MGM | Mar Gregorios Memorial (schools in India) |
MGM | Modern Gift Market |
MGM | Militant Grammarians of Massachusetts (Infinite Jest) |
MGM | Medium-Grade Metamorphism (geology) |
MGM | Minimal Generator Matrix/Matrices |
MGM | Multi-Guard Mediator |