Acronym | Definition |
MGP | Mathematics Genealogy Project (North Dakota State University) |
MGP | Melodi Grand Prix (annual music competiton; Norway) |
MGP | Manufactured Gas Plant |
MGP | Marina de Guerra del Peru (Navy Military of Peru) |
MGP | Movimento Giovani Padani (Italian youth movement) |
MGP | Mercato del Giorno Prima (Italian: Day-Ahead Market) |
MGP | Movie Gallery Post |
MGP | Media Gateway Proxy |
MGP | Multimedia Gaming Protocol |
MGP | Message Gateway Protocol |
MGP | Magic Point |
MGP | Media Gateway Protocol |
MGP | Media Gateway Processor |
MGP | Media Gateway Provisioning |
MGP | Managing General Partner |
MGP | Maitrise en Gestion de Projet (French: Master of Project Management; Canada) |
MGP | Mackenzie Gas Project (Canada) |
MGP | Manx Grand Prix (Isle of Man motorcycle race) |
MGP | Mutuelle Générale de la Police (French: Mutual General of Police; insurance company) |
MGP | Morten Gamst Pedersen (soccer player) |
MGP | Madd Gear Pro Scooter (Australia) |
MGP | Morton Grove Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Illinois) |
MGP | Music Genome Project |
MGP | Matrix Gamma-Carboxyglutamic Acid |
MGP | Maternal Grandparent (various organizations) |
MGP | Media Giraffe Project (est. 2005) |
MGP | Mini Gastric Bypass |
MGP | Maryland Green Party (political party) |
MGP | Midnight Golf Program |
MGP | Microbial Genome Project (US Department of Energy) |
MGP | My Guilty Pleasure (blog slang) |
MGP | Multi-Genre Project (academic assignment) |
MGP | Mister Grumpy Pants |
MGP | Marshall Genuine Products (California) |
MGP | Multi Generational Plan |
MGP | Maximum Grilled Pirates (fantasy hockey league) |
MGP | Multigrid Projection |
MGP | Makes Good Product (Taiwan Mangkao Enterprise Co, Ltd) |
MGP | Malam Gemilang Putra (Malaysian event) |
MGP | Mini Game Pack |
MGP | Mulgrave Park (Canada) |