Acronym | Definition |
MLR | Monthly Labor Review (Washington, DC) |
MLR | Major League Rugby (sports) |
MLR | Middle Latency Response |
MLR | Multivariable Logistic Regression |
MLR | Medical Loss Ratio (healthcare) |
MLR | Multiple Linear Regression |
MLR | Message Log Report |
MLR | Money Laundering Regulations (UK) |
MLR | Modern Language Review (journal) |
MLR | Michigan Law Review |
MLR | Modern Law Review (UK) |
MLR | Main Line of Resistance (military) |
MLR | minimum lending rate |
MLR | Medical Liability Reform (various organizations) |
MLR | Mixed Leukocyte Reaction |
MLR | Much Love and Respect |
MLR | My Little Remix (music website) |
MLR | Mixed Lymphocyte Response (biology) |
MLR | Multiple Launch Rocket |
MLR | Monodisperse Latex Reactor |
MLR | Material Loss Review (US Treasury Department) |
MLR | Mass Loss Rate |
MLR | Military Law Review |
MLR | Matheran Light Railway (India) |
MLR | Money Laundering Risk |
MLR | Mauna Lani Resort (Hawaii) |
MLR | Mitsubishi Lancer Register |
MLR | Muzzle-Loading Rifle |
MLR | Multichannel Linear Recording |
MLR | Matantei Loki Ragnarok (anime) |
MLR | Medium Lift Replacement |
MLR | Morgan Lewis Resources (law; Morgan, Lewis & Bockius) |
MLR | Medico Legal Reporting |
MLR | Management Level Review |
MLR | Most Loaded Routing |
MLR | Machine Learned Ranking (data analysis) |
MLR | Medium Lending Rate |
MLR | Medical Legal Report (India) |
MLR | My Life Rocks (social utility; Facebook) |
MLR | Moonshine Lunch Run (motorcycle rally; Illinois) |
MLR | Mortar Locating Radar |
MLR | Marine Life Resources |
MLR | Multiple Location Risk |
MLR | Manual Loop Request (DSL) |
MLR | Make Lisa Rich (band) |
MLR | Maximum Likelihood Relaxation algorithm |
MLR | My Life Rules (Internet slang) |
MLR | Maneuver Load Reduction |
MLR | Master Lot Record |
MLR | Melbourne Law Review |
MLR | Mainstream Law Report |
MLR | Maine Lawyers Review (publication) |
MLR | Maïarská Lidová Republika (Czech: People's Republic of Hungary) |
MLR | March Leadership Retreat (New York) |
MLR | Mountain Land Rehabilitation, Inc. (Utah) |