Acronym | Definition |
LECP | Liberty Enabled Client Proxy |
LECP | Low Energy Charged Particle |
LECP | Laboratório de Ecologia e Conservação de Populações (Portuguese: Laboratory of Ecology and Conservation of Populations; Argentina) |
LECP | Leading Edge Computers Parkes (est. 1996; Australia) |
LECP | Legal English Certificate Program (Boston University; Boston, MA) |
LECP | Law Enforcement Cooperation Program (Australian Federal Police) |
LECP | Lund Early Childhood Program (Vermont) |
LECP | Liberty-Enabled Client Proxy |
LECP | Leather Export Promotion Council (Pakistan) |
LECP | London East Connexions Partnership (UK) |
LECP | Logistics Engineering Change Proposal |
LECP | Leadership Essentials Certificate Program (various organizations) |
LECP | Lean Enterprise Certification Program (workshop) |
LECP | Lamandau Ecosystem Conservation Partnership (EU) |
LECP | Lactation Education and Consultant Program (Portland Community College; Portland, OR) |
LECP | Leading an Effective Concert of Prayer |