LARSLeast-Angle Regression (algorithm)
LARSLaunch and Recovery System
LARSLow Anterior Resection Syndrome (bowel disfunction)
LARSLarge Animal Research Station
LARSLegally Authorized Representative
LARSLeft Add, Right Subtract (artillery fire sighting)
LARSLos Angeles Radiological Society
LARSLaminar Angular Rate Sensor
LARSLos Angeles Riot Squad
LARSLunar Anomaly Research Society
LARSLight Artillery Rocket System
LARSLeft Add Right Subtract (contact lenses)
LARSLaser Airborne Remote Sensing
LARSLaser Angular Rate Sensor
LARSLaser Aided Rocket System
LARSLow Altitude Radar System
LARSLower Atmosphere Research Satellite
LARSLittleton Absentee Reporting System
LARSLicense and Review System
LARSLong-Term Acoustic Recording System
LARSLocator and Rescue System
LARSLight Weight Airborne Recovery System