LBILehman Brothers, Inc.
LBILong Beach Island (New Jersey Shore)
LBILudwig Boltzmann Institut (Austrian research institute)
LBILocal Bus Interface
LBILibrary Item
LBILawson Business Intelligence (software)
LBILeo Baeck Institute
LBILapindo Brantas, Inc. (Indonesia)
LBILiga Bolchevique Internacionalista (Spanish: Internationalist Bolshevik League)
LBILouis Berger International (est. 1953)
LBILow Back Injury (orthopedics)
LBILimited Brands, Inc. (various locations)
LBILimited Background Investigation
LBILegally Binding Instrument
LBILoris Broadcasting Inc.
LBILeveraged Buy In
LBILaboratory of Bioinformatics (various locations)
LBILong Baseline Interferometer
LBILast Block Indicator
LBILine of Bearing Intersection
LBILaunch Before Impact
LBILine Build In
LBILand Based Interceptor
LBILeave Bread In (Jimmy John's Gourmet Sandwiches)