LBOLeveraged Buy Out
LBOLanka Business Online (Sri Lanka)
LBOLarge Bowel Obstruction
LBOLong Beach Opera (Long Beach, CA)
LBOCompiled Label
LBOLogical Backup Object
LBOLine Build Out
LBOLight Blue Optics (various locations)
LBOLegislative Budget Office
LBOLocal Break Out (telecommunications)
LBOLine Build-Out
LBOLeft Business Observer
LBOLithium Triborate
LBOLicensed Betting Office (UK)
LBOLast Best Offer (collective bargaining)
LBOLadies Bowling Organization of Japan
LBOLife Blown Open (band)
LBOLean Blow Out (emission modeling)
LBOLight Board Operator (theatre)
LBOLying by Omission
LBOLast Buy Order
LBOLow Blow Out
LBOLaunch Base Operations
LBOLine of Business Owner
LBOLinear Back-Off